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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Andrew <>
Subject: Re: Finally iOS 18 will be able to schedule messages
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 23:20:07 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
Message-ID: <v4fur6$1tcm$>
References: <v48h3v$2tgt$> <> <v4ac62$hko$> <> <v4b8ai$23ak$> <> <v4be8r$2ii7$> <v4bem3$u4h$> <v4eb0o$26798$> <v4fdls$2d49r$> <v4fkjm$2ei7c$>
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Chris wrote on Thu, 13 Jun 2024 20:25:26 -0000 (UTC) :

>>> Does it still work if the phone is off/has no signal/in airplane mode?
>> This is where the distinction of the functionality being "on device" or 
>> on Apple's servers as a "store, wait and forward" function comes in....
> Exactly. I guess it's like outlook's method where it's all done on the
> server meaning it doesn't matter that your PC is off.

As a related aside, I've been looking up details about how the Apple iOS 18
satellite messaging method works, whose encryption seems to suffer from the
same classic walled-garden flaws as scheduled messages appear to suffer

The clue that the inherent weaknesses of the walled garden are involved in
the satellite messaging method is that Apple advertises it's E2E encrypted.
 "Messages sent via satellite will have the same end-to-end encryption
  as typical iMessages."

Note that E2E encryption is reserved for people wholly inside the walled
garden, which implies that encrypted satellite messaging won't actually
work in the real world (where 3/4 of the people on this planet are NOT
logged into Apple servers, even as the satellite service is apparently USA
only at this time, according to the references cited in this article).
 "It's nice to see both SMS and iMessage supported over satellite, 
  even if only the latter is end-to-end encrypted."

Note that RCS is NOT handled by Apple's satellite coverage.
 "Apple's decision to include SMS is thoughtful, and though I'd 
  like RCS to be covered as well that platform's messages are
  too large or complicated to compress effectively"

However, note this article says Apple's SMS will work in the real world.
 "Texts to non-iPhone users will also go by satellite, via SMS."

For Android users, note T-Mobile & Verizon have Android 15 satellite plans.
Android 15: