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From: Richard Damon <>
Newsgroups: comp.theory,sci.logic
Subject: Re: D correctly simulated by H proved for THREE YEARS --- rewritten
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 23:06:27 -0400
Organization: i2pn2 (
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On 6/13/24 10:22 PM, olcott wrote:
> On 6/13/2024 9:19 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>> On 6/13/24 9:37 AM, olcott wrote:
>>> On 6/13/2024 6:31 AM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>>> On 6/13/24 12:06 AM, olcott wrote:
>>>>> On 6/12/2024 10:49 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>>>>> On 6/12/24 11:26 PM, olcott wrote:
>>>>>>> On 6/12/2024 10:08 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 6/12/24 10:48 PM, olcott wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 6/12/2024 9:37 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 6/12/24 10:25 PM, olcott wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 6/12/2024 9:16 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 6/12/24 9:50 PM, olcott wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 6/12/2024 8:36 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 6/12/24 9:27 PM, olcott wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How do you say that?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you not understand the meaning of the words "Halt 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decider"?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> H must derive the question that it is being asked by 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> computing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the mapping from its finite string input to the behavior 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specified
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by this finite string input.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, Definitions don't mean anything?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Halt deciders are not being asked English questions nitwit.
>>>>>>>>>>>> But the formal question can be translated into English.
>>>>>>>>>>>> And the PROBLEM statements can be written in English as a 
>>>>>>>>>>>> requirements doecument.
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Halt Deciders" don't need to "understand" the question, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> they just do what they are programmed to do. 
>>>>>>>>>>> H can only see that it must report on D correctly simulated 
>>>>>>>>>>> by H.
>>>>>>>>>>> No one ever tells it anything different than this.
>>>>>>>>>> H doesn't need to "know" what it is doing. It PROGRAMMER does.
>>>>>>>>> The input to H(D,D) does not tell H to look at the behavior of 
>>>>>>>>> D(D).
>>>>>>>>> You are currently too ignorant to understand this mainly because
>>>>>>>>> you don't want to bother to seriously consider that I may be 
>>>>>>>>> correct.
>>>>>>>> Of course the input doesn't tell it that. The problem 
>>>>>>>> description tells the programmer that is what he was supposed to 
>>>>>>>> do.
>>>>>>> The INPUT must tell the program what the question is.
>>>>>>> What does the expression: COMPUTE THE MAPPING FROM INPUTS
>>>>>>> mean to you in your own words?
>>>>>> Of course not.
>>>>>> Most programs just read in data, and do the operation they were 
>>>>>> programmed to do on the data.
>>>>> Simplistic.
>>>>> H must be able to objectively determine the exact behavior
>>>>> that it is to report on and no one ever told it about D(D).
>>>>> They only told it about D correctly simulated by H.
>>>> No, it does not.
>>>> To be CORRECT, it needs to determine that behavior.
>>> The input to H(D,D) does not provide the means for H to determine
>>> the behavior of D(D).
>> So? Why does it need to, that is the job of H to figure out,
>> The INPUT does DEFINE the correct answer, but not in a method that H 
>> can use itself.
>>> I keep asking you to show all of the steps of how H(D,D) determines
>>> the behavior of D(D) from its input and you dodge because you know
>>> that I am correct.
>> And why do I need to, because that isn't the question.
>> I guess you are just admitting you accept a proble to solve, and are 
>> stuck and are trying to get others to do it for yoiu.
>>> H(D,D) is not told about the behavior of D(D) and you cannot show
>>> otherwise with any sequence of steps of correct reasoning.
>> But it is, just not in a computable manner, the behavior of the input 
>> to H(D,D) is EXACTLY the behavor of UTM(D,D).
>> Now, the problem is that H had to be written BEFORE D was (as the code 
>> for D is dependent on H) since H is making a claim to handle "all 
>> comers" (i.e. answer for EVERY input). This means the input program 
>> can use a copy of the decider to compute what it will answer and then 
>> do the opposite.
>> This just shows that the problem does turn out to be uncomputable, 
>> because the power of the computation system grows faster than the 
>> ability to decide on the computation.
> See my prior reply

If you mean the one in this thread about an hour or so ago, that doesn't 
actualy prove your goal that H can be a correct Halt Decider, just that 
you don't understand what that means.