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From: The True Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Doctor Whoke S01E07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 02:56:29 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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The same old degenerate one sided woke messaging is prevalent from the 
start to the end of this episode. Technology is bad, Capitalism is bad, 
Internet entrepreneurs are bad!

The entire episode is dominated by women and homosexuals running 
everything from UNIT to big business and television.

Not one white heterosexual male is depicted at all in any position of 
high standing or competence.

Almost every character running UNIT, in what seems to be a backdoor 
pilot for a spin-off series, is a women. Apart from a dwarf pretending 
to be a 13 year old child, who is unbearable to listen to, the only men 
you see are common homosexual stereotypes exuding effeminacy like the 
might have been members of The Village People in cosplay or non-European 
in appearance, and probably homosexual too.

This show is being run by sexists, racists, heterophobes, and bigots who 
want to undermine the natural development of heterosexual boys into men 
by removing all portrayal of masculinity and the heroic journey, not 
providing a single character that can act as a good father figure or a 
good role model. Even Gatwa himself distances the fake Doctor from 
actually being a father as you will see later.

Gatwa and Gibson land at UNIT HQ to figure out the legend of Ruby Sunday 
by watching a VHS video tape kept since 2004 by Ruby's adoptive mother 
and processing the images through some sort of time window generating 
machine, rather than actually sending the TARDIS back in time to take 
pictures. There's no heroic journey whatsoever in this reliance on what 
amounts to coincidence and magic, since it does not involve any kind of 
struggle to build the technology, which would involve learning and 
understanding of it. It's nothing more than convenient writing with a 
magic 13 year old dwarf which is UNIT's new scientific advisor, pushing 
all the buttons, and who seems to know everything about anything, except 
what they actually need to know. Where did he get all of this advanced 
knowledge from? Not explained.

After Millie Gibson and Gatwa go into the time window to see how Ruby 
was abandoned in the snow, the time window conveniently shuts down the 
moment after an effeminate homosexual UNIT Colonel, who Gatwa fancies, 
is sent to his ultimate death by Gatwa's interference and incompetence, 
and is turned into a dusty husk by a dark shadow creature that seems to 
be emanating from a copy of the TARDIS opposite the original TARDIS on 
Ruby Road in 2004.

At the same time the woman who has been spotted throughout Gatwa's 
pointless adventures with Gibson is seen in the present rehearsing a 
speech concerning the launch of her new company S TRIAD TECHNOLOGY which 
she is going to give to the public on live television, while being spied 
upon by Bonnie Langford. As with all Marxist-Fascist corporatist woke 
bigots she thinks her company is going to save the world.

The acting of the woman playing this character called Susan Triad is 
absolutely terrible and her face looks like it's been made out of folds 
of plastic rather than real skin.

As I predicted from the start the character's insertion into virtually 
every episode is totally meaningless and an exercise in misdirection. 
Which is why I didn't give a stuff.

It's an example of shit mystery box writing employed by Davies and 
degenerates like him in order to create a mystery without much effort, 
and as always, when you open the mystery box you find out that it's 
completely empty.

First Gatwa thinks the woman is Susan the Doctor's granddaughter, except 
he refuses to acknowledge actually being a father, at least not yet.

Is the degenerate woke retard RTD going to claim that the Doctor is 
actually Susan's grandmother instead?

Well it's all misdirection by the retard who has Gatwa think that S 
TRIAD is an anagram of TARDIS, but it's the wrong anagram.

Gatwa joins Mel and goes to meet this woman but doesn't feel the 
presence of Susan when he shakes hands with her and after telling her 
he's seen her before she starts getting recollections of bad dreams 
which had of the same images of her Gatwa and Gibson saw.

Meanwhile a dark cloud engulfs the middle of the operations room at UNIT 
HQ surrounding the TARDIS flashing black and red while the idiotic 
effeminate robot pretending to be ChatGPT on one side of the room claims 
the TARDIS has become sentient.

The viewer is then made to think that the old woman played by a lousy 
actress is the villain exposing herself, but she's not the real villain. 
TARDIS as I said is the wrong anagram derived from SUSAN TRIAD 
TECHNOLOGY. It's actually SU TECH, yes Sutech or Sutekh!

Davies was so obsessed with trying to deceive the audience that it's not 
even a real anagram using the correct spelling when rearranging the 
letters, and for an anagram you have to use all the letters not some of 
them or add extra ones in. Davies was desperate.

So Sutekh morphs out of the red and back cloud surrounding the TARDIS, 
recites a list of agents of the Celestial Toymaker, the old woman starts 
dusting people that she touches and while Sutekh announces that he's 
going to destroy everything in the entire universe, like how and what 
for?, and finally the woman approaches Gatwa with her hands stretched 
out apparently in order to destroy him. And that's when the episode ends.

Whether Sutekh is working for the Toymaker or he is the Toymaker's 
master is not really explained.

We're still not certain if the old woman is Gibson's mother, or 
something else lie Gibson herself, or why Gibson was abandoned as a baby.

The episode was clearly written for women rather than the main audience 
of the show, men, and therefore displays every element of infantile bad 
writing. No story, not plot, no heroic journey, no characterisation or 
character development, no logical and rational reasoning or progression, 
no philosophical thought, debate or discussion of issues raised; just 
one sided woke lecturing and the demeaning of heterosexual men, with all 
decisions and decision-making made on the basis of irrational random 
sentiment and emotion.

1.5/10 because Davies at least foreshadowed Sutekh with the scene where 
in The Devil's Chord Gatwa takes Gibson to see the destruction of Earth 
in the future which was clearly ripped off from Pyramids of Mars.

The True Doctor

"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it 
stands for." -William Shatner