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From: olcott <polcott333@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: comp.theory,sci.logic
Subject: Re: H(D,D) cannot even be asked about the behavior of D(D)
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 21:06:33 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 6/14/2024 8:38 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
> On 6/14/24 8:34 PM, olcott wrote:
>> On 6/14/2024 6:27 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>> On 6/14/24 9:15 AM, olcott wrote:
>>>> On 6/14/2024 6:39 AM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>>>> On 6/14/24 12:13 AM, olcott wrote:
>>>>>> No it is more than that.
>>>>>> H cannot even be asked the question:
>>>>>> Does D(D) halt?
>>>>> No, you just don't understand the proper meaning of "ask" when 
>>>>> applied to a deterministic entity.
>>>> When H and D have a pathological relationship to each
>>>> other then H(D,D) is not being asked about the behavior
>>>> of D(D). H1(D,D) has no such pathological relationship
>>>> thus D correctly simulated by H1 is the behavior of D(D).
>>> OF course it is. The nature of the input doesn't affet the form of 
>>> the question that H is supposed to answer.
>> The textbook asks the question.
>> The data cannot possibly do that.
> But the data doesn't need to do it, as the program specifictions define it.
> Now, if H was supposed to be a "Universal Problem Decider", then we 
> would need to somehow "encode" the goal of H determining that a correct 
> (and complete) simulation of its input would need to reach a final 
> state, but I see no issue with defining a way to encode that.
>> You already said that H cannot possibly map its
>> input to the behavior of D(D).
> Right, it is impossible for H to itself compute that behavior and give 
> an answer.
> That doesn't mean we can't encode the question.
>> We need to stay focused on this one single point until you
>> fully get it. Unlike the other two respondents you do have
>> the capacity to understand this.
>> You keep expecting H to read your computer science
>> textbooks.
> No, I expect its PROGRAMMER to have done that, which clearly you haven't 
> done.
> Programs don't read their requirements, the perform the actions they 
> were programmed to do, and if the program is correct, it will get the 
> right answer. If it doesn't get the right answer, then the programmer 
> erred in saying it meet the requirements.

I am only going to talk to you in the one thread about
this, it is too difficult material to understand outside
of a single chain of thought.

Copyright 2024 Olcott "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius
hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer