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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Toxic fandom
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 13:29:27 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Blueshirt wrote on 13/6/24 8:04 pm:
> Daniel70 wrote:
>> The Doctor wrote on 12/6/24 11:50 pm:
>>> In article <v4c3o8$1l9fe$>, The Last Doctor 
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hornplayer9599 <> wrote:
>>>>> I think Peter Davidson (in character) mentioned in "The Five
>>>>> Doctors" that he was the fourth regeneration of the Doctor.
>>>> He does, and the first Doctor responds with "oh, so there are
>>>> five of me now."
>>>> And there have been one or two other mentions down the years.
>>>> But it's a rarity and regardless of whether you accept that the
>>>> Timeless Children shows a "reset"forgetting an unknown number
>>>> of previous regenerations, the existence of the War Doctor,
>>>> David Tennant counting as three (two incarnations but three
>>>> regenerations) and now the insertion somehow of not only the
>>>> Fugitive Doctor but also the Shalka Doctor into the Doctor's
>>>> pasts, indicates that any in-universe counting has become
>>>> meaningless.
>>>> So these days the only place the number has meaning is in 
>>>> fannish  conversation and used to refer to the precedence of an
>>>> actor to have had the lead role for a season or TV movie - and
>>>> even there we're now counting Tennant twice.
>>> And that all contradicts the Timeless child.
>> How, Gobble-de-gook?? How does 'all that' contradict The Timeless
>> Child, Gobble-de-gook??
> Don' expect anything logical from Dave...

Do I EVER?? ...... Nope!

> in his world everything contradicts the Timeless Child!