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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Doctor Who Spotting
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 20:18:12 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Your Name wrote on 14/6/24 6:35 am:
> On 2024-06-13 07:55:18 +0000, Daniel70 said:
>> The Doctor wrote on 13/6/24 12:52 am:
>>> In article <v4cc6j$1muuc$>, Daniel70 
>>> <> wrote:


>>>> I could be convinced that the English English Alphabet doesn't
>>>> have 26 letters .... I mean a "w" IS literally "uu", double u!
>>>> And, tripping back to High School, our Grade Six (1968)
>>>> English Teacher, Mr Burleigh, stated that the letter 'Z' would
>>>> soon be dumped from the English Alphabet!
>>>> Still waiting!!
>>> Z dumped?
>> Yes. Mr Burleigh's theory/hypothesis was that 'z' would be replaced
>> by 's' in all words containing a 'z'!
> More likely the other way around. Americans incorrectly use 'z' in
> words like "theorize" while the real English spelling is "theorise",
> but thanks to the insidious creep of American culture in books,
> movies, TV shows, software, etc., the 'z' will (and is) slowly
> replacing the 's' in such words. Similarly the 'u' will disappear
> from the correct spelling of words like "colour". It can already be
> seen by the widespread usage of the incorrect backwards Americanised
> date format mm/dd/yyyy in magazines and newspapers. :-(

Mr Burleigh would be quite disappointed in this then. He was very
adamant (Can a person be 'very adamant' or just 'adamant'??) about the
situation as he told my fellow student 'Tony Zino' of the situation!! ;-)