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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 20:53:55 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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The True Doctor wrote on 15/6/24 1:55 pm:
> On 15/06/2024 04:26, Daniel70 wrote:
>> The True Doctor wrote on 14/6/24 2:59 am:
>>> On 12/06/2024 14:41, Blueshirt wrote:
>>>> The True Doctor wrote:
>>>>> There you go then. No famous female renaissance painters 
>>>>> exist. I can't think of any that existed either before or 
>>>>> after the renaissance either.
>>>> That was a tangent I didn't see coming!
>>>> Sorry, female renaissance painters are not my strong point...
>>> Because men are far better artists and this has to be recognised.
>>> Men must not be discriminated against for being men in order to
>>> give women who are inferior to preference in the workplace in
>>> order to make up degenerate sexist woke quotas.
>> As women were NEVER given the chance to develop their Warriors
>> skills (except, maybe, for the Amazonians), they could not develope
>> their hunter/gather/Warrior skills.
> That was not due to men. It was due to the fact that women got
> pregnant and had to incubate the foetus without it coming to harm and
> then breast feed the baby when it was born. Stop portraying fascist
> woke false narratives about women being oppressed taken from Mein
> Kampf by replacing foreign powers, the stock market, big business and
> the Jews with men and the patriarchy.
>> As women were NEVER given the chance to develop their ARTISTIC
>> skills, SHOCK!! HORROR!!, they didn't become masterful/misstressful
> Women for over 2 million years have never needed to develop any
> hunting or artistic skills. They developed the skills of child birth,
> needlework and to run from danger.

..... and, in the last sixty years or so, when their MALE MASTERS have
been FORCED to give way, Women have shown that they can, indeed, do MOST

And MALEs have shown they can do many "Female" things ... e.g.
Child-rearing and Cooking! Oh!! Aren't WE multi-talented??

> Men painted scenes from the hunt to educate boys on how to trap and 
> spear animals without getting themselves killed by them.

Ah!! But the poor old Females could not be similarly educated, could
they, Aggy??

> Men told stories of the hunt to educate their sons.

But NOT the Women!!

> Women didn't have anything to tell storywise

So they can't tell how to Cook dinner or Raise kids!!

> so all they did was gossip and that is why women endure mind rotting
> soap opera while men follow the heroic journey and most can't stand
> women's writing.
>> Now that WE have educated ourselves enough to OPEN OUR EYES, maybe,
>>  just MAYBE, the World might reach its FULL POTENTIAL!!
> Men and women's brains work differently from birth

Hey, they basically both start out as empty vessels .... but then some
were educated and some weren't!!

> and there is nothing anyone can do to change that. Female brains are
> almost fully developed in womb before birth, and stop developing at
> about the age of 12 or 13. Men's brains are not fully developed until
> they reach the age of around 30, and therefore men have a greater
> capacity for learning.

Women were, basically, expected to be bare-foot and pregnant in the
Kitchen .... so why educate them?? RIGHT!!

> All you are doing with your degenerate woke ideology which suppresses
>  the heroic journey and masculinity is retarding boys' and mens' 
> development to bring them down to the level of women.

Not suppressing 'the heroic journey' just giving EVERYONE AN EQUAL CHANCE!!

> Most women don't think logically and rationally

Practise makes perfect! If you don't use (or are NOT allowed to use) an
ability, that ability fades!!

> and therefore should not be placed in positions of power over
> people's lives. Women are easily controlled and intimidated and think
> based on fear, sentiment and emotion instead of logic and reason and
> so instead of fighting for freedom like men will always do, women
> prefer to be enslaved and used as breeding stock by the dominant
> males. This behaviour has existed for over 100 million years so is
> never going to change.
> The only way women can become equal to men is by reducing men to
> their level,

Or lift BOTH sexes up TOGETHER!!

> and *why* do you think that will bring civilisation? To its 
> extinction is *where* .

HMM! YOU, Aggy, ask a WHY question (see the word highlighted above) but
give a WHERE answer!! Are you O.K., Aggy!!