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From: The True Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho,
Subject: Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 02:41:19 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 15/06/2024 12:17, Blueshirt wrote:
> The True Doctor wrote:
>> On 14/06/2024 19:46, Blueshirt wrote:
>>> RTD said:
>>> "I never thought it was possible, to be honest. But
>>> according to the people who juggle the numbers, all targets
>>> have been reached and exceeded."
>>> So of course Doctor Who will be renewed for a 'third'
>>> season...  if that is the case. (And I've no reason to
>>> believe RTD is telling lies.) RTD said in the same interview
>>> that he has four scripts for Season Three completed...
>> I've written scripts too. That don't mean that any of them
>> will be made.
> If you was the showrunner on a major TV show and wrote some
> scripts, there's a good chance that they would get made.
> RTD is not just some guy on the internet that posts on RADW and
> say he's written some scripts!

So what you are claiming is the merit doesn't matter. Just because 
someone is showrunner they deserve to have their rubbish scripts made 
into episodes no matter how bad they might be. Why shouldn't other far 
better writers have their scripts made into episodes instead? We've seen 
from the ratings that RTDs writing is totally infantile, retarded, and 
lacking in merit. How about this self centred self serving degenerate 
bigot give other people a chance? Doesn't this woke cunt claim to 
believe in diversity? Obviously not. He only believes in rewarding 
himself and sycophantic members of his own minority group and no one 
else. He's the leader of the pigs on Animal Farm.

>>> It's a strange Doctor Who fan that hopes to see the show
>>> cancelled...
>> Doctor Who ended in 2017. What I'm hoping for is for it to
>> return, not for degenerate woke garbage to continue takings
>> its place.
> If you mean 'return' as in, to the good ol' days of the 1970's &

I mean return as based on the principles of good writing which was the 
case in the 1970s when Doctor Who was at its height.

> 80's when television was completely different... then don't hold
> your breath!

You mean when television was better.

Doctor Who ended in 2017. Until the BBC learns form its mistakes it will 
never come back.

The True Doctor

"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it 
stands for." -William Shatner