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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 19:08:17 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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The True Doctor wrote on 16/6/24 9:35 pm:
> On 15/06/2024 11:53, Daniel70 wrote:
>> The True Doctor wrote on 15/6/24 1:55 pm:
>>> On 15/06/2024 04:26, Daniel70 wrote:
>>>> The True Doctor wrote on 14/6/24 2:59 am:
>>>>> On 12/06/2024 14:41, Blueshirt wrote:
>>>>>> The True Doctor wrote:
>>>>>>> There you go then. No famous female renaissance painters exist. I 
>>>>>>> can't think of any that existed either before or after the 
>>>>>>> renaissance either.
>>>>>> That was a tangent I didn't see coming!
>>>>>> Sorry, female renaissance painters are not my strong point...
>>>>> Because men are far better artists and this has to be recognised.
>>>>> Men must not be discriminated against for being men in order to
>>>>> give women who are inferior to preference in the workplace in
>>>>> order to make up degenerate sexist woke quotas.
>>>> As women were NEVER given the chance to develop their Warriors
>>>> skills (except, maybe, for the Amazonians), they could not develope
>>>> their hunter/gather/Warrior skills.
>>> That was not due to men. It was due to the fact that women got
>>> pregnant and had to incubate the foetus without it coming to harm and
>>> then breast feed the baby when it was born. Stop portraying fascist
>>> woke false narratives about women being oppressed taken from Mein
>>> Kampf by replacing foreign powers, the stock market, big business and
>>> the Jews with men and the patriarchy.
>>>> As women were NEVER given the chance to develop their ARTISTIC
>>>> skills, SHOCK!! HORROR!!, they didn't become masterful/misstressful
>>> Women for over 2 million years have never needed to develop any
>>> hunting or artistic skills. They developed the skills of child birth,
>>> needlework and to run from danger.
>> .... and, in the last sixty years or so, when their MALE MASTERS have
> Stop pandering to the Nazi feminist false narrative of the all 
> oppressive patriarchy derived from Afolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, where 
> women will rise up and overthrow and exterminate their male oppressors 
> so as to form a new Reich as they had 10,000 years ago where women 
> roamed free from enslavement and the Matriarchy will once again rule 
> supreme.
>> been FORCED to give way, Women have shown that they can, indeed, do MOST
>> things.
> Except think logically and rationally like a man instead of being 
> controlled by irrationality based on sentiment and emotion which they 
> cannot resist since it's baked into their brains from birth and can't be 
> changed, unlike a man's brain which continues to undergo change and thus 
> continues to evolve up until his 30s. Those are the scientifically 
> proven biolytical facts.
> Women could always do the things that men do, but they could never do 
> them as well. The 5% percent of the population are men. 95% of the 
> leaders of industry are men. 95% of the top scientists and 
> mathematicians and people in STEM are men.
>> And MALEs have shown they can do many "Female" things ... e.g.
>> Child-rearing and Cooking! Oh!! Aren't WE multi-talented??
> Men could always cook and rear their sons to learn from the heroic 
> journey and become men like themselves. Read the Argonautica by 
> Apollonius of Rhodes, which demonstrates all of this including cooking.
>>> Men painted scenes from the hunt to educate boys on how to trap and 
>>> spear animals without getting themselves killed by them.
>> Ah!! But the poor old Females could not be similarly educated, could
>> they, Aggy??
> You could attempt to educate them but in a world with limited resources 
> where you had to pay to go to school boys always came first (unless they 
> were mentally impaired) since they could always excel girls in learning 
> what was essential to advance society such as the arts, politics, 
> warfare, science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Men have 
> always been stronger than women. If you only have 100 swords you don't 
> give a woman a sword when 100 men in your tribe are naturally twice as 
> strong as she is. How would giving a woman that sword instead of a far 
> stronger and skilful man protect the tribe?
>>> Men told stories of the hunt to educate their sons.
>> But NOT the Women!!
> Of course not. They didn't have any stories to tell since they never 
> went on the hunt or anywhere outside the village gates. All the women 
> practised was idle gossip.
>>> Women didn't have anything to tell storywise
>> So they can't tell how to Cook dinner or Raise kids!!
> Men already knew how to cook and did it better than women. Read the 
> Argonautica and the Iliad from the start. Men already knew how to raise 
> kids, and did it better when the boys were old enough to accompany them 
> on the hunt and experience the heroic journey to manhood. Once again 
> read the Argonautica and the Iliad.
> Why would a man want to listen to an infantile attempt to tell a story 
> by a women? Have you every taken part in a story telling circle with 
> women present? They don't have a clue how to write. They don't 
> understand character, they don't understand plot, and they don't know 
> what a story even is. All they do is describe what they see around them, 
> the sky is blue, the grass is green and other redundant crap like that, 
> they don't describe characters or develop their characterisation, they 
> can't even create characters unless someone else, namely a man creates 
> them for them, and even then if they decide to include that character in 
> their section of the story its always about what he looks like and who 
> they think he might be, it's always them projecting aspects of their own 
> personality onto him instead of writing him as someone who is different 
> from them and specific to the role he has already been given, who thinks 
> and acts differently and independently from them, and he isn't used to 
> move the story along in any way shape or form. Most women can't write 
> good stories because they have no understanding of the heroic journey 
> which is the basis of all good stories. All that women do when they 
> write is to make up idle gossip that leads nowhere.
> Why do you think The Acolyte on Disney+ is absolute crap? It's because 
> it's been entirely written and produced by women. The same goes for The 
> Rings of Woke and Amazon.
>>> so all they did was gossip and that is why women endure mind rotting
>>> soap opera while men follow the heroic journey and most can't stand
>>> women's writing.
>>>> Now that WE have educated ourselves enough to OPEN OUR EYES, maybe,
>>>>  just MAYBE, the World might reach its FULL POTENTIAL!!
>>> Men and women's brains work differently from birth
>> Hey, they basically both start out as empty vessels .... but then some
>> were educated and some weren't!!
> Totally WRONG!
> It has been scientifically proven that women's brains are almost 100% 
> fully developed at birth and are full mature when they reach puberty. 
> Men's brains are mostly empty vessels when they are born and take 30 
> years to fully mature, which means that men have the capacity to learn 
> more than most women ever can. Those are the scientific facts and the 
> degenerate woke retards want to impede the learning of men by removing 
> everything that appeals to them in literature and the class room so the 
> heroic journey that boys need to become men is never experienced. They 
> want boys to become retards to that women can feel superior.
>>> and there is nothing anyone can do to change that. Female brains are
>>> almost fully developed in womb before birth, and stop developing at
>>> about the age of 12 or 13. Men's brains are not fully developed until
>>> they reach the age of around 30, and therefore men have a greater
>>> capacity for learning.
>> Women were, basically, expected to be bare-foot and pregnant in the
>> Kitchen .... so why educate them?? RIGHT!!