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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho,,rec.arts.sf.fandom
Subject: Re: The Acolyte Episode 3 Review ...
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 19:22:48 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 42
Message-ID: <v4ov95$j562$>
References: <v4eb3c$263md$> <v4i8lo$31i4n$>
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The Doctor wrote on 17/6/24 9:49 am:
> In article <v4nd79$64bi$>, The True Doctor
> <> wrote:
>> On 15/06/2024 12:24, Blueshirt wrote:
>>> The True Doctor wrote:
>>>> On 14/06/2024 20:03, Blueshirt wrote:
>>>>> You don't need Overlord or Doomcock to tell you that. I'm a 
>>>>> fair minded person that gives an honest opinion and "The 
>>>>> Acolyte" is awful, and when I say awful... I mean AWFUL!!!
>>>>> Judging by your reaction to Doctor Who you'd probably have a 
>>>>> conniption watching "The Acolyte"!
>>>> Then it's a good job that other people are watching it for me 
>>>> so that I don't have to.
>>> You should still watch it for yourself at some stage... nobody 
>>> can live their life based on what random people on YouTube say.
>> They are not random people. They are people who share the same
>> views and opinions about entertainment as I do and therefore that
>> makes them the best critics who can be trusted to tell me whether
>> something is good or bad.
>>> Most of whom have some sort of agenda and are making money from 
>>> their videos, so the more controversy the better.
>> That is what the woke critics being paid by the press have and how
>> they make their money. How can anyone give the Acolyte 84% when the
>> entire audience gives it 15%. Who are the greedy pigs with the
>> agenda? It's not the people who say crap is crap. It's the ones
>> selling the Emperor a non-existent birthday suit which is the
>> bestest ever.
> ST is not doing well with Disney.

Star Trek isn't with Disney, Gobble-de-gook. It's with CBS-Paramount, I