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From: Agent Jakanov <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho,
Subject: Steven Moffat rages at cancel culture
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 17:52:00 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: TWA
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'We’re all hypocrites!' Steven Moffat rages at cancel culture: 'Only 
happens to the good guys!'

"(Cancel culture) is thousands of years old. Socrates got cancelled, 
Jesus of Nazareth got cancelled … and we’re all hypocrites," he began.

Douglas is Cancelled: ITV drama is written by Steven Moffat ITV
Moffat contoinued to the Sunday Times: "We’re outraged when someone who 
thinks the way we do is cancelled, but we’re perfectly happy to cancel 
someone else.

"But cancellation only works on people who are capable of shame and wish 
to be well thought of. In other words, it only really works on quite 
good people.

"It’s a smart bomb that can only take out people who at least aspire to 
virtue: you can’t cancel Hitler, you can’t cancel Donald Trump - you 
can’t, and they won’t care.