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From: James Kuyper <>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.c
Subject: Re: Baby X is bor nagain
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 19:52:16 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 6/17/24 12:21, David Brown wrote:
> Having a distinction in optimisation between "debug" and "release" 
> builds is simply /wrong/.  Release what you have debugged, debug what 
> you intend to release.

I fully agree that you should debug what you intend to release; but I
can't agree that it always makes sense to release what you've debugged.
There are ways to debug code that make it horribly inefficient - they
are also good ways to uncover certain kinds of bugs. There should be a
debug mode where you enable that inefficient code, and track down and
remove any bugs that you find. Then you go to release mode, and test it
as thoroughly as possible with the code as it is intended to be
released, which is never as much can be possible in debug mode. Do not
release until the final version of the code has passed both sets of
tests. If release testing uncovers a bug that requires a code change,
that means that debug testing also needs to be redone.