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From: The True Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 01:11:01 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 17/06/2024 14:22, The Last Doctor wrote:
> The Doctor <> wrote:
>> Daniel70  <> wrote:
>>> Not REAL SEXIST are you, Aggy??
>> No wonder you are single Dannyboy!
> Dave.
> Do you agree with Aggie that “You can't lift women up to the same level as
> men. You can't do it by selective breeding. Hitler failed. The only thing
> these Nazi feminist bigots can do is bring men down to
> their level.”?

So this is what it all boils down to Squealer.

Does Yads agree with me and countless scientists who have proven 
eugenics to be false or does he agree with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis 
who claimed otherwise and based their entire supremacist ideology?

Yads who shall it be, me or old Jo Squealer?

> Do you agree with Aggie that “Women don't think based on logic and reason.
> They think based on sentiment and emotion. That is how the hormones in
> their brains make them think and since their brains are hard wired from
> birth nothing can be done to change that and therefore should not be placed
> in positions of power over people's lives. Women are easily controlled and
> intimidated and think based on fear, sentiment and emotion instead of logic
> and reason and so instead of fighting for freedom like men will always do,
> women prefer to be enslaved and used as breeding stock by the dominant
> males.”?

Same argument again. Do you agree with proven science or do you agree 
with those whose illogical and completely deranged supremacist ideology 
and false narrative fore them to reject it?

> Do you agree with Aggie that “Men knew how to cook and did it better than
> women. Men knew how to raise kids, and did it better when the boys were old
> enough to accompany them on the hunt and experience the heroic journey to
> manhood.”?

Science or a feminist inspired false narrative.

How many Michelin starred female chefs have you heard of compared to 
male ones? Was Doctor Spock the person who wrote the manual on child 
rearing a man or a woman?

Science or the Nazis?

> Do you agree with Aggie when he says “Why would a man want to listen to an
> infantile attempt to tell a story by a woman? Have you ever taken part in a
> story telling circle with women present? They don't have a clue how to
> write. They don't understand character, they don't understand plot, and
> they don't know what a story even is. All they do is describe what they see
> around them, the sky is blue, the grass is green and other redundant crap
> like that, they don't describe characters or develop their
> characterisation, they can't even create characters unless someone else,
> namely a man creates them for them, and even then if they decide to include
> that character in their section of the story its always about what he looks
> like and who they think he might be, it's always them projecting aspects of
> their own personality onto him instead of writing him as someone who is
> different from them and specific to the role he has already been given, who
> thinks and acts differently and independently from them, and he isn't used
> to move the story along in any way shape or form. Most women can't write
> good stories because they have no understanding of the heroic journey which
> is the basis of all good stories. All that women do when they write is to
> make up idle gossip that leads nowhere.”?

Proven scientific studies into the differing behaviour of boys and 
girls, men and women, and the development of male and female brains in 
and outside of the womb, funded by global organizations, or the lies and 
false narratives of feminism which is based on the false supremacist 
ideology Hitler outlines in Mein Kampf, as demonstrated by E. E. Smith 
with the example of Lyrane in Second Stage Lensmen and Children of the 
Lens, which together with the rest of the Lensmen series from the main 
literary basis of Star Wars, and by John Norman with the exampled of 
Tharna in Outlaw of Gor.

Facts or downright lies. Which do you agree with Yads? Squealer is 
asking you. Are you going to believe what you see with you own eyes or 
what Squealer tells you should believe?

> There are many good reasons that Aggie is in my permanent killfile these
> days. His repulsive sexism is what ensures HE will always be single (unless

Nothing that I have said above is sexist since it is based on 
universally accepted science and scientific studies.

> he can find a man to love who agrees with him). He’ll certainly never have
> a female partner in the 21st century.

And because Jo Squealer can't substantiate his lies and false narratives 
with facts he resorts to attacking peoples sexually and masculinity.

All my relationships have been with intelligent women you retard.

The True Doctor

"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it 
stands for." -William Shatner