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Path: ...!!!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: The Last Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho,
Subject: Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 08:06:25 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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The Doctor <> wrote:
> In article <v4uv9n$21tkk$>,
> The Last Doctor  <> wrote:
>> Blueshirt <> wrote:
>>> The Doctor wrote:
>>>> In article <v4up3p$20pq8$>,
>>>> Daniel70  <> wrote:
>>>>> The Doctor wrote on 19/6/24 10:25 pm:
>>>>>> In article <v4u0qg$1rqan$>,
>>>>>> Daniel70  <> wrote:
>>>>>>> And what did Christ (try to) teach us, Gobble-de-gook,
>>>>>>> .... something like "Love one another as I have loved YOU."
>>>>>>> Try it sometime, Gobble-de-gook.
>>>>>> REcall under Jesus, homosexauls will be condemning
>>>>>> themselves to eternal damnation.
>>>>> Oh!! In what Book, Chapter and Verse of The Bible does THAT
>>>>> statement appear, Gobble-de-gook??
>>>> Romans 1
>>> Or is it, The Book of Dave: Chapter 1, Verse 666 ?
>> Well it’s not Romans 1. There is some pretty messed up thinking and
>> judgemental declarations in there but those are Paul’s words, not Jesus’s.
>> Dave needs to understand that sometimes those who follow don’t necessarily
>> represent the views of the leader, even if a bunch of clerics a few
>> centuries later did add all their letters to their Bible.
>> Paul was a bit of a dick.
>> Dave’s claim was about something Jesus said. So he’s got the wrong chapter
>> and needs to look again.
> Looks as if you failed the Book of Acts.

What does the Book of Acts have to do with this? Paul’s student Luke (also
the man who wrote the Gospel of Luke, and not himself one of the twelve
disciples or someone who knew Jesus in life) records Paul’s conversion - at
second hand describing a vision of Jesus, after the death of Jesus.

It doesn’t have any quotes from Jesus condemning homosexuals, does it? Any
more than Romans does.

That was your claim Dave. Here, I’ll quote your [corrected] words for you
to remind you: “Recall under Jesus, homosexuals will be condemning
themselves to eternal damnation.”

So. Jesus’s words about homosexuality please. Book, chapter and verse. 

Or acknowledge that you’re wrong and Jesus is not recorded as saying any
such thing, and that in saying otherwise (not that Judaism condemns
homosexual acts: not that Paul, in setting out Pauline doctrine, condemned
homosexual acts: not that your church condemns homosexual acts: but that
JESUS condemned homosexuals) you are bearing false witness.

“Most of the Universe is knackered, babes.”  - The Doctor