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Path: ...!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: FPP <>
Subject: Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 21:45:54 -0400
Organization: Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 6/20/24 2:02 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
> Ah, California... the stupidity never stops. <sigh>
> This is the target we used for requals. We always questioned why it is that
> we were only shooting white guys.
> --------------------
> Since at least 2013, a tremendous number of agencies have suffered from
> "Good Idea Fairy" visits. I’m specifically addressing those "good ideas"
> that will reportedly fix society's ills but have little to no factual
> foundation. Generally, these stem from politicians "doing something" to fix
> a problem.
> Some of these include-- claiming there is no national standard for using
> force while trying to throw out Graham v Connor, ignoring SCOTUS rulings
> like United States v Whren to attack pro-active policing, or protesting the
> release of positive body-worn camera footage.
> Then, we had wholesale changes to various penal codes. These came from the
> various legislative bodies and ballot initiatives. One is California's
> Proposition 47-- deceptively titled (by Kamala Harris, no less) "the Safe
> Neighborhoods and Schools Act". It radically elevated the dollar threshold
> for felonies while mandating citations versus custodial bookings and no
> practical consequences. Then, there are the various bail “reform” efforts.
> No need to make bail while releasing people without consequences.
> California now has Senate Bill 1020 working its way through the system.
> After passing the state senate, it is going to the Assembly. The bill will
> ban any paper shooting target in which the subject's race can be
> identified. Suppose it passes California's Assembly and is signed by the
> governor. In that case, cops in my old state will lose valuable training
> tools. In addition to targets that aid in judgment, they will lose one way
> that removes "novelty"--new or previously unseen problems-- from training.
> State Senator Steven Bradford authored the bill.
> After hearing about SB-1020, I looked at Braford's web page. It mentions
> the intent of the bill is to correct "inherent racial bias that certain
> ethnic groups are more dangerous". I wonder if his staff looked at the Law
> Enforcement Officers Killed & Assaulted data. Data, not opinion.
> SB1020 would enact Penal Code section 13658, which reads:
> (a) Each law enforcement agency and police academy basic course presenter
> shall have a policy prohibiting the use of ethnic shooting targets for any
> training, qualification, competition, or other range activities that are
> sponsored by the agency or academy, presenter, take place on any agency or
> academy presenter property, or involve the participation of any agency or
> academy presenter personnel or academy trainees. those attending a basic
> course.
> (b) The policy described in subdivision (a) shall also prohibit providing
> ethnic shooting targets to any peace officer or trainee basic course
> attendee for personal use.
> (c) As used in this section, the following definitions apply:
> (1) "Ethnic shooting target" means any physical range target that depicts a
> human form or part of a human form that includes skin colors or facial
> features from which a person might reasonably discern a race or ethnicity
> of the person depicted. An "ethnic shooting target" does not include a
> silhouette target or a human form target with a nonhuman skin color such as
> green or blue that does not have facial features.
> How does that improve law enforcement's performance in deadly force
> situations? Does it result in better judgment skills? Does it positively
> impact the Don’t Shoot/Shoot decision-making process?

Sorry you don't have the right to indulge your racist fantasies any more.
(Sorry, not sorry...)

On May 30, 2024 Donald J. Trump was unanimously convicted on 34 felony 
counts in New York City... so I took this picture in my side yard.

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC 
Bible  25B.G.