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From: Arthur Lipscomb <>
Subject: Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-20 (Thursday)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 16:32:00 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 6/21/2024 1:23 PM, shawn wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Jun 2024 11:15:23 -0700, Arthur Lipscomb
> <> wrote:
>> On 6/21/2024 9:24 AM, Ian J. Ball wrote:
>>> On 6/21/24 1:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
>>>> What did you watch?
>>> On the last workday of the (summer!) work week, I watched soaps and some
>>> more movies!:
>>> soaps: DOOL - This was mostly set up for the "prom" episode that will
>>> come Friday. (Uh, it's mid- to late-June - Do HS's *anywhere* have prom
>>> this late in the year?!!) Anyway, NuTate's date (can't remember her
>>> name) overhears Tate and his friend (can't remember his name) talking
>>> about prom, and realizes that Tate isn't interested in her and is just
>>> using her to get close to Holly - later, Tate's date rats out their
>>> scheme to NuTheresa! So they're going to get busted on Friday.
>>> Meanwhile, Theresa has a disturbing dream about giving it all up for
>>> Brady! Stefan forces EJ to reveal he's DA again to Nicole.
>>>      GH - Finn's bosses refuse to let him back to work, and he takes it
>>> about as well as expected. Spinelli gets the audio file of Carly's
>>> incriminating confession that Jagger has been holding over Jason and
>>> makes a copy for Sam, who beelines it to Carly.
>>>      Y&R - I only saw a little bit of this - Victoria's younger daughter
>>> still resents the insertion of Claire into their lives. Claire
>>> commiserates with Kyle (I can't even figure it out - are they blood
>>> relatives, or not?! I think they're not...).
>>> Target: My Daughter (Tubi) - This was interesting - this 2017 thriller
>>> felt too low-budget to be a Lifetime flick (IOW, even lower budget than
>>> a Hybrid Films flick!), so it never made it to Lifetime.
>>>      Also, I have a theory that Yancy Butler has been blackballed by
>>> Lifetime
>> I thought she was blacklisted by Hollywood in general.
> Is it really a black list when your own actions with alcohol have lead
> people to feel like she wouldn't be a reliable performer. 

Same difference.  ;-)

Though she's
> clearly gotten plenty of roles over the years. Nothing major but at
> least she's been able to keep working. Though nothing in the last few
> years.

I was surprised to see her name.  I haven't seen her name pop up in 
anything since Witchblade.

>> (I think she appeared in a Lifetime film or two a decade or
>>> more ago, but has not been in a Lifetime flick in at least a decade!),
>>> so they probably wouldn't take a movie with her anyway...
>>>      But it also stars Karis Cameron, c. 2017 - so between Cameron doing
>>> "Open Heart" in 2015 and her first Lifetime flick (which was "Identity
>>> Theft of a Cheerleader") in 2019 - back when Karis Cameron was still
>>> young and beautiful (and before she put on the weight, post-2020 -
>>> Cameron effectively hasn't worked since 2022).
>>>      Anyway, in this, Cameron's character witnesses the murder of her
>>> father (via cell phone), by a gangster (Aurelio Di Nunzio), and so she
>>> and her mother (Butler) - who, of course, happens to be ex-special
>>> forces or something - are put into witness protection (the original
>>> title of this flick was "Witness Protection") in a coastal village
>>> somewhere (this couldn't look more like British Columbia if they tried!!).
>>>      And, of course, the gangster sends a hitman (hey! it's Sebastian
>>> Spence!) after them.
>>>      This was barely OK, but I enjoyed Butler's twitchy performance as
>>> sort of crummy mom-type, and Karis Cameron has perhaps never looked
>>> better than here.
>>> Prowl (2010) (Tubi) - OK, I am about 95% sure I have seen this 2010
>>> flick before, most likely on the Chiller channel back in the midish-2010s.
>>>      This has an even more laughable crediting sitch' than the movies I
>>> watched on Wednesday - the indisputable "star" of this 2010 horror flick
>>> is Courtney Hope (before she f**ked up her looks and got gigs on B&B and
>>> Y&R - Hope is naturally thin-lipped as you can see here, but in later
>>> life she has refused to accept this fact...  :/  ) - anyway, Hope is
>>> credited *third* in the film's primary end-credits, and *fifth*!! in the
>>> film's cast list credits. Despite being the film's clear lead!! That's
>>> ridic.
>> She needs a better agent.
> I only know her from her role in the game, CONTROL. She's great in
> that game. Haven't seen Y&R in years since I only saw it when visiting
> my parents.
>>>      Anyway, Hope's character ropes in a bunch of friends (among them, a
>>> young Perdita Weeks (after she did "The Tutors" but before "As Above, So
>>> Below"), Ruta Gedmintas and Josh Bowman (from "Revenge")) to accompany
>>> her to Chicago. For [reasons], they are eventually to be transported
>>> there by a truck driver played by Bruce Payne - hint: if your driver is
>>> played by Bruce Payne, he is up to no good.
>>>      From this point, the film doesn't waste anytime in getting to
>>> (improbable!) horror.
>>>      This was about on part with Wed's flick "Underground" - it's a
>>> decent "ride", once it gets started.
>>>      P.S. In this one, Perdita Weeks has arguably the most horrific death
>>> scene.  :/
>>> What did you watch?
>> I watched:
>> The Boys - "Wisdom of the Ages" - I'm not even going to try and
>> summarizing it.  But I guess it was OK.
> Is that episode 4? Haven't got to that just yet. The season is
> definitely pushing the edges.

Yes, episode 4.  This episode continues the tradition of pushing limits.