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Path: ...!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Andrew <>
Subject: Re: Android keyboard: your choice.
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:34:18 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
Message-ID: <v55669$1rrf$>
References: <> <v4ov83$j5oj$> <v4sojj$1gqik$> <> <v4tkrl$1bpq$> <>
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Arno Welzel wrote on Wed, 19 Jun 2024 08:25:01 +0200 :

> Since Helium keyboard does not use Firebase and also does not have
> internet access, this is not an issue.

That's a terribly misleading sentence, unfortunately; but I know you're
trying to help - so please take what I say below purely constructively.

That sentence is dangerous - because it's so non detailed as to be able to
be interpreted in two completely different ways - one good - the other bad.

I do not think anyone on this newsgroup understands the difference between
Google Firebase (cloud stuff) and Google Services Firebase App Indexing
(non cloud stuff); so your sentence above is meaningless until you can show
that you understand that they're completely different - and not having one
doesn't negate having the other.

Given that complexity, I outline three things we need to clarify in that
seemingly simple sentence above. :)

Based on the links I already provided to Rudy Wieser moments ago...

1. Firebase is (apparently) not the same as Firebase App Indexing.
   One uses the cloud. The other does not use the cloud (AFAIK).
   The one that does not use the cloud is called "Google Services 
   Firebase App Indexing" and it _does_ send "statistics" to Google!
2. I installed and used Helium HeliBoard and I subsequently checked
   the Google Services Firebase App Indexing data location, which 
   you can only see if you turn Developer options on, and I did not
   see anything in there from Helium - so even though you didn't 
   distinguish between Google Firebase (cloud related stuff) and 
   Google Services Firebase App Indexing (not related to the cloud), 
   I think that you're correct that Helium doesn't collect that data
   (which then Google says it grabs "statistics" from).

3. However, notice that the fact that Helium Heliboard does not use
   the Internet is meaningless because Google uses the Internet.

That is, an app that has no access to the Internet can use Google Services
Firebase App Indexing and while that app won't upload any of your private
data to the Internet, Google explicitly says it does grab "statistics".

See the links I just gave to Rudy Wieser which back up those three points.