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Path: ...!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Arthur Lipscomb <>
Subject: Re: Dr. Who The Pirate Planet Revisited (was: What Did You Watch?
 2024-06-08 (Saturday))
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 22:49:55 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 6/17/2024 2:36 PM, Nyssa wrote:
> anim8rfsk wrote:
>> Nyssa <> wrote:
>>> This all started because Ubi watched The Pirate Planet
>>> and complained that Tom Baker's cold sore distracted him
>>> from the story.
>>> I have the DVD for The Pirate Planet, so watched the
>>> episode to see what was going on. The injury was written
>>> into the story with the Doctor having a face-plant into
>>> the Tardis console when he and Romana went through some
>>> temporal turbulence.
>>> Since the DID was already in the player, I decided to
>>> finish watching the rest of the episodes this afternoon.
>>> Afterward I noticed that there was a commentary track, so
>>> restarted the first episode with commentary on.
>>> The commentators were the director and the actor who
>>> played the pirate captain.
>>> The mystery of the facial injury of Tom Baker was
>>> explained by the director. YAY!
>>> It seems that Baker was playing with a friend's dog, and
>>> the naughty dog bit him on the mouth, leaving the two
>>> cuts around the corner of his mouth. (Didn't the dog know
>>> that he was playing with a big celebrity?) The director
>>> and writer came up with the cover-up scene of the
>>> face-plant that gave a reason for the cuts for the rest
>>> of the four episodes.
>>> The intro to the initial scene on the Tardis where
>>> Baker's mouth was unhurt was taped after the cuts healed
>>> and was edited in to lead into the face-plant portion of
>>> the scene.
>>> So for all of you who have been losing sleep wondering
>>> about the Doctor's mysterious injury can now get some
>>> sleep.
>>> Nyssa, who probably could have found more productive
>>> things to do this afternoon, but at least she finally got
>>> the answer we've all been wondering about Doctor Who and
>>> his blemish
>> Yay! I think I speak for everyone here when I thank you
>> for your sacrifice.
> :)
> Nyssa, who was willing to take one for the team

This is considered a bad episode?  I haven't watched it in at least 20 
years, but I have fond memories of it being my favorite in the key to 
time series.  And it's the only story in that series that I have any 
real memory of the plot.  In particular I recall K9 vs. the parrot.