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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 20:45:04 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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References: <> <v50t3m$2gs82$>
 <v518mn$2ive3$> <v53sqs$35uco$>
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The Doctor wrote on 22/6/24 8:52 am:
> In article <v53sqs$35uco$>, Daniel70
> <> wrote:
>> Idlehands wrote on 20/6/24 10:52 pm:
>>> On 2024-06-20 3:34 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:
>>>> Idlehands wrote on 20/6/24 11:00 am:
>> <Snip>
>>>>> Perhaps binky could provide us with the greatest commandment
>>>>> of them  all, the one Jesus told to his followers and
>>>>> disciples?
>>>>> <cross-posts removed>
>>>> Hmm! This wouldn't be the one which I refer to as Commandment
>>>> ZERO .... "Love one another as I have loved YOU" .... If you
>>>> really LOVE someone, how could you lie to them, How could you
>>>> cheat on them, How could you Kill them??
>>>> My calling it "Commandment Zero" relates to Issac Asimov's
>>>> 'Three Laws of Robotics', which Asimov realised didn't actually
>>>> exclude Robots murdering their Owners so he had to introduce a
>>>> 'Law Zero' to actually exclude THAT possibility!!
>>> I will have to borrow "Commandment Zero", it's a good description
>>> and very fitting.
>>> I notice that binky is remains silent on the issue, what a
>>> surprise.
>> Sorry! You forgot the "......... NOT!!" at the end of that
>> statement, Idlehands. ;-P -- Daniel
> Lying Idlehands caught lying.
WHERE, Goggle-de-gook?? Please point out any lies that YOU, 
Gobble-de-gook, think Idlehands has told HERE ...... or shut the FUCK up!!