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From: Andrew <andrew@spam.net>
Newsgroups: comp.mobile.android
Subject: Re: Android keyboard: your choice.
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 06:26:07 -0000 (UTC)
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R.Wieser wrote on Sun, 23 Jun 2024 08:15:09 +0200 :

> You already mentioned that data gathered on your phone by that Firebase 
> framework gets send off too somewhere you don't know, but you still refuse 
> to consider the possibility that a same-named software "in the cloud", also 
> from Google, could be the recipient of it.

If I didn't say it directly, Google is *definitely* the recipient of the
Firebase App Index statistics which are uploaded periodically.

I even quoted an article saying exactly that.

> Are you gullible or what ?
> Ask yourself: if Google doesn't want to upload that "personal content" to 
> itself, than why are they gathering it in the first place ?

a. Google isn't gathering the data.
b. The app is gathering the data.
c. But the app isn't uploading that data.
d. The app is storing the data on your device.
e. Google says they only upload "statistics" about that data.
f. Not the data itself.

All that was extremely clearly said in the cites I already provided.