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From: Chris <ithinkiam@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: comp.mobile.android
Subject: Re: precision coordinates
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 06:53:33 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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VanguardLH <V@nguard.LH> wrote:
> Chris <ithinkiam@gmail.com> wrote:
>> bad sector <forgetski@_INVALID.net> wrote:
>>> How would I map with precision about 900 planted trees on 
>>> google-earth-pro? As a manual method I would think of taking a hundred 
>>> readings on each with my phone and averaging them out, but that is a LOT 
>>> of work (did it once with a bubble-sextant to win a bet). Is there an 
>>> fdroid app to do this sort of thing (not interested in signupware)? Any 
>>> other ideas?
>> What three words?
>> https://what3words.com/
> Trees have postal addresses?

It's not a postal address. It's a global grid of unique, human
interpretable, coordinates. 

It has its issues, but as long as the trees are about 3m or more apart it
could work well for the OP's needs.