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From: "Chris M. Thomasson" <>
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: Re: Does the number of nines increase?
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 13:20:11 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 6/27/2024 1:06 PM, WM wrote:
> Le 27/06/2024 à 21:56, "Chris M. Thomasson" a écrit :
>> On 6/27/2024 5:09 AM, WM wrote:
>>> Le 26/06/2024 à 20:46, "Chris M. Thomasson" a écrit :
>>>> On 6/26/2024 12:15 AM, WM wrote:
>>>>> 9.999... has one 9 less after the decimal point than 0.999... .
>>>> NO! Think of: .(9) * 10 = 9.(9) = 10
>>> Wrong.
>>> 10*0.999...999 = 9.999...990
>> Where is that last zero coming from?
> In 0.999... there is a constant set of indices indexing all nines. If a 
> point of fly droppings becomes visible at another place this does not 
> change the set of indices of nines. Hence also an arbitrary shift of the 
> decimal point by multiplication does not change the number of nines.

..(9) = 1

There is always an infinite number of nines in Say:

9.(9) = 10

This is the way base 10 can work.

You cannot magically add one!