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From: The Doctor <doctor@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca>
Newsgroups: news.admin.net-abuse.email
Subject: stats 2024 1st half
Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 01:38:45 -0600
Organization: NetKnow News
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Group : news.admin.net-abuse.email
Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024

***** Users with most messages *****
 num| Name                   | Nb Msg | size    | or. | %
  1 | The Doctor             |     27 | 115,743 |   9 | 17.76% 
  2 | Randolf Richardson ??? |     19 |  62,980 |   1 | 12.50% xxxxxxx
  3 | Scott Dorsey           |     15 |  23,387 |   0 |  9.87% xxxxx
  4 | Marco Moock            |     11 |  19,297 |   1 |  7.24% xxxx
  5 | Andrzej Adam Filip     |     10 |  16,174 |   3 |  6.58% xxx
  6 | Andreas Kohlbach       |      8 |  14,671 |   2 |  5.26% xx
  7 | Grant Taylor           |      8 |  14,222 |   0 |  5.26% xx
  8 | tjoen                  |      5 |   6,414 |   2 |  3.29% x
  9 | Anton Shepelev         |      5 |   9,304 |   1 |  3.29% x
 10 | Adam W.                |      5 |   9,916 |   0 |  3.29% x
 11 | Chris Jacobs           |      4 |   8,489 |   2 |  2.63% x
 12 | Ivo Gandolfo           |      4 |   8,925 |   0 |  2.63% x
 13 | Anonymous              |      3 |  10,946 |   1 |  1.97% x
 14 | Sn!pe                  |      3 |   7,367 |   0 |  1.97% x
 15 | rek2 hispagatos        |      3 |   4,872 |   0 |  1.97% x
 16 | D                      |      3 |   4,232 |   0 |  1.97% x
 17 | Randolf Richardson     |      2 |   4,792 |   2 |  1.32%
 18 | David Ritz             |      2 |   9,051 |   0 |  1.32%
 19 | John                   |      2 |   4,382 |   0 |  1.32%
 20 | Post To Usenet         |      2 |   3,559 |   0 |  1.32%
 21 | Sirius                 |      2 |   2,915 |   0 |  1.32%
 22 | Mr Ön!on               |      1 |   2,186 |   0 |  0.66%
 23 | SugarBug               |      1 |   1,946 |   0 |  0.66%
 24 | Bulk Spammer Agent     |      1 |   1,892 |   0 |  0.66%
 25 | immibis                |      1 |   1,825 |   0 |  0.66%
 26 | Will I Am              |      1 |   1,355 |   0 |  0.66%
 27 | Karl-Josef Ziegler     |      1 |   1,346 |   0 |  0.66%
 28 | Sam                    |      1 |   1,324 |   0 |  0.66%
 29 | Adam H. Kerman         |      1 |   1,173 |   0 |  0.66%
 30 | Zorin User             |      1 |   1,096 |   0 |  0.66%

***** Users with most started threads *****
 num| Name                   | or. | Nb Msg | size    | %
  1 | The Doctor             |   9 |     27 | 115,743 | 37.50% 
  2 | Andrzej Adam Filip     |   3 |     10 |  16,174 | 12.50% xxx
  3 | Andreas Kohlbach       |   2 |      8 |  14,671 |  8.33% xx
  4 | tjoen                  |   2 |      5 |   6,414 |  8.33% xx
  5 | Chris Jacobs           |   2 |      4 |   8,489 |  8.33% xx
  6 | Randolf Richardson     |   2 |      2 |   4,792 |  8.33% xx
  7 | Randolf Richardson ??? |   1 |     19 |  62,980 |  4.17% x
  8 | Marco Moock            |   1 |     11 |  19,297 |  4.17% x
  9 | Anton Shepelev         |   1 |      5 |   9,304 |  4.17% x
 10 | Anonymous              |   1 |      3 |  10,946 |  4.17% x

***** Users with highest total size of messages *****
 num| Name                   | size    | Nb Msg | or. | %
  1 | The Doctor             | 115,743 |     27 |   9 | 30.80% 
  2 | Randolf Richardson ??? |  62,980 |     19 |   1 | 16.76% xxxxx
  3 | Scott Dorsey           |  23,387 |     15 |   0 |  6.22% xx
  4 | Marco Moock            |  19,297 |     11 |   1 |  5.14% x
  5 | Andrzej Adam Filip     |  16,174 |     10 |   3 |  4.30% x
  6 | Andreas Kohlbach       |  14,671 |      8 |   2 |  3.90% x
  7 | Grant Taylor           |  14,222 |      8 |   0 |  3.78% x
  8 | Anonymous              |  10,946 |      3 |   1 |  2.91%
  9 | Adam W.                |   9,916 |      5 |   0 |  2.64%
 10 | Anton Shepelev         |   9,304 |      5 |   1 |  2.48%
 11 | David Ritz             |   9,051 |      2 |   0 |  2.41%
 12 | Ivo Gandolfo           |   8,925 |      4 |   0 |  2.38%
 13 | Chris Jacobs           |   8,489 |      4 |   2 |  2.26%
 14 | Sn!pe                  |   7,367 |      3 |   0 |  1.96%
 15 | tjoen                  |   6,414 |      5 |   2 |  1.71%
 16 | rek2 hispagatos        |   4,872 |      3 |   0 |  1.30%
 17 | Randolf Richardson     |   4,792 |      2 |   2 |  1.28%
 18 | John                   |   4,382 |      2 |   0 |  1.17%
 19 | D                      |   4,232 |      3 |   0 |  1.13%
 20 | Post To Usenet         |   3,559 |      2 |   0 |  0.95%
 21 | Sirius                 |   2,915 |      2 |   0 |  0.78%
 22 | Mr Ön!on               |   2,186 |      1 |   0 |  0.58%
 23 | SugarBug               |   1,946 |      1 |   0 |  0.52%
 24 | Bulk Spammer Agent     |   1,892 |      1 |   0 |  0.50%
 25 | immibis                |   1,825 |      1 |   0 |  0.49%
 26 | Will I Am              |   1,355 |      1 |   0 |  0.36%
 27 | Karl-Josef Ziegler     |   1,346 |      1 |   0 |  0.36%
 28 | Sam                    |   1,324 |      1 |   0 |  0.35%
 29 | Adam H. Kerman         |   1,173 |      1 |   0 |  0.31%
 30 | Zorin User             |   1,096 |      1 |   0 |  0.29%

***** Days with most messages *****
 num| date       | Nb Msg | size   | or. | %
  1 | 3/10/2024  |     19 | 44,416 |   1 | 12.50% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | 1/1/2024   |     18 | 52,443 |   1 | 11.84% xxxxxxxxx
  3 | 3/9/2024   |     13 | 25,342 |   1 |  8.55% xxxxxx
  4 | 6/18/2024  |     11 | 17,046 |   1 |  7.24% xxxxx
  5 | 2/15/2024  |     10 | 26,186 |   1 |  6.58% xxxxx
  6 | 4/14/2024  |      7 | 12,945 |   2 |  4.61% xxx
  7 | 6/19/2024  |      7 | 11,580 |   1 |  4.61% xxx
  8 | 2/23/2024  |      7 | 18,728 |   0 |  4.61% xxx
  9 | 2/8/2024   |      5 |  9,654 |   2 |  3.29% xx
 10 | 2/24/2024  |      5 |  8,962 |   1 |  3.29% xx
 11 | 3/12/2024  |      5 |  6,740 |   1 |  3.29% xx
 12 | 6/27/2024  |      5 | 17,906 |   0 |  3.29% xx
 13 | 5/19/2024  |      4 |  6,451 |   1 |  2.63% xx
 14 | 4/10/2024  |      3 | 13,848 |   0 |  1.97% x
 15 | 1/11/2024  |      3 |  7,685 |   0 |  1.97% x
 16 | 2/26/2024  |      3 |  6,955 |   0 |  1.97% x
 17 | 2/16/2024  |      3 |  5,710 |   0 |  1.97% x
 18 | 2/21/2024  |      2 |  4,792 |   2 |  1.32% x
 19 | 5/18/2024  |      2 |  3,314 |   1 |  1.32% x
 20 | 5/13/2024  |      2 |  1,898 |   1 |  1.32% x
 21 | 3/11/2024  |      2 |  3,516 |   0 |  1.32% x
 22 | 2/9/2024   |      2 |  3,238 |   0 |  1.32% x
 23 | 4/1/2024   |      1 | 13,309 |   1 |  0.66%
 24 | 3/1/2024   |      1 |  9,883 |   1 |  0.66%
 25 | 5/1/2024   |      1 |  7,501 |   1 |  0.66%
 26 | 6/1/2024   |      1 |  6,603 |   1 |  0.66%
 27 | 2/1/2024   |      1 |  6,414 |   1 |  0.66%
 28 | 2/22/2024  |      1 |  2,573 |   1 |  0.66%
 29 | 4/18/2024  |      1 |  1,083 |   1 |  0.66%
 30 | 4/26/2024  |      1 |  6,511 |   0 |  0.66%
 31 | 1/13/2024  |      1 |  2,540 |   0 |  0.66%
 32 | 2/11/2024  |      1 |  2,239 |   0 |  0.66%
 33 | 4/15/2024  |      1 |  2,186 |   0 |  0.66%
 34 | 6/21/2024  |      1 |  1,899 |   0 |  0.66%
 35 | 1/12/2024  |      1 |  1,860 |   0 |  0.66%
 36 | 2/10/2024  |      1 |  1,825 |   0 |  0.66%

***** Days with most messages *****
 num| date       | Nb Msg | size   | or. | %
  1 | Sunday     |     31 | 66,051 |   4 | 20.39% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Monday     |     27 | 80,307 |   3 | 17.76% xxxxxxxx
  3 | Thursday   |     26 | 71,501 |   6 | 17.11% xxxxxxxx
  4 | Saturday   |     23 | 48,586 |   4 | 15.13% xxxxxxx
  5 | Tuesday    |     16 | 23,786 |   2 | 10.53% xxxxx
  6 | Friday     |     16 | 47,829 |   1 | 10.53% xxxxx
  7 | Wednesday  |     13 | 37,721 |   4 |  8.55% xxxx

***** Subjects with most answers *****
 num| Subject                                                           
               | Nb Msg | size   | or. | %
  1 | Spamcop-top200 incomplete archives at Google                      
               |     32 | 88,653 |   1 | 21.05% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Good VPS or other solution for outgoing mail server               
               |     24 | 48,982 |   0 | 15.79% xxxxxxx
  3 | UCEPROTECT is the Biggest Spammer on the Internet -- The 
UCEPROTECT RBL Exto ... |     18 | 44,564 |   1 | 11.84% xxxxx
  4 | SpamCop: reporting SPAM via e-mail                                
               |     17 | 29,343 |   1 | 11.18% xxxxx
  5 | Got mail. How do I reply?                                         
               |      9 | 17,619 |   1 |  5.92% xx
  6 | See Nigerian scammers explode in rage                             
               |      8 | 15,917 |   1 |  5.26% xx
  7 | Altijd verzekerd van een plekje bij een laadpaal? Zet er eentje 
op je oprit!     |      7 | 10,975 |   1 |  4.61% xx
  8 | Cloudflare grrrrr                                                 
               |      6 |  8,280 |   1 |  3.95% x
  9 | answering to spammers with spam trap mail address                 
               |      5 |  6,740 |   1 |  3.29% x
 10 | Get a Spamcop Account                                             
               |      4 |  9,801 |   1 |  2.63% x
 11 | Google and Microsoft                                              
               |      4 |  5,330 |   1 |  2.63% x
 12 | SORBS                                                             
               |      3 |  4,145 |   1 |  1.97%
 13 | Consentimiento de Politica de Privacidad de Datos                 
               |      2 |  5,981 |   1 |  1.32%