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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Jan Panteltje <alien@comet.invalid>
Subject: Re: hobby electronics
Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2024 14:58:23 GMT
Message-ID: <v66dag$62r3$>
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On a sunny day (Thu, 04 Jul 2024 10:19:13 -0400) it happened Joe Gwinn
<> wrote in <>:

>On Thu, 04 Jul 2024 05:50:03 GMT, Jan Panteltje <alien@comet.invalid>
>>On a sunny day (Wed, 3 Jul 2024 13:46:18 +0100) it happened Martin Brown
>><'''newspam'''> wrote in <v63h6r$26bjr$>:
>>>On 03/07/2024 13:20, Jan Panteltje wrote:
>>>> I started learning French here ik kindergarten in the late forties..
>>>> Do English ever learn French? German?
>>>Yes but far too late to be much use. Since Brexit there is even less 
>>>teaching of modern languages. English people have now become as lazy as 
>>>Americans and so expect everyone to speak English. My 1970's state 
>>>secondary school had a language lab with tape recorders and headsets for 
>>>everybody and taught French, German, Spanish, Greek & Latin.
>>>Everybody did French at first. Those that had done it at primary school 
>>>had a massive head start which we never regained. If you were any good 
>>>at it you could choose Latin or Greek. I chose Latin. I found I was much 
>>>better at ancient languages that didn't require speaking them!
>>>Most educated Dutch or Swiss people I have encountered are fluent in at 
>>>least three languages. I had one intern from U Twente who was brilliant.
>>Yes, highschool here required Dutch, French, German, English, some also Latin.
>>Later I did some Spanish and started on Chinese, never finised Spanish and Chinese
>>would need to be there a while to get the feel of it.
>>Had no problem in Spain though:-)
>>>I learned some Russian at university too (for reading scientific papers) 
>>>and then later Japanese by immersion in Japan. In Belgium my Flemish was 
>>>just about good enough to get by - my wife's was better.
>>My Russian is very limited ..
>>Watching satellite TV programs is a good way to learn the languages.
>>Now they block Russian satellite TV (in English) here, only the US viewpoints allowed.
>It is not blocked in the US.  If you use a VPN to tunnel into the US,
>you will be able to get it over the internet.
>Wonder why the EU thinks that blocking such as RT will have much

It is all about US war mongering
The whole stuff started with byethen, who is a pawn in the claws of the US Military Industrial Complex,
going to Putin, probably asking him what was NOT acceptable to Russia in YouCrane.
Then Putin helped the Russia oriented (they  had actually voted to be part of Russia as they always were).

Remember how exactly byethen knew when Russia was going for military action in YouiCrane?
The CIA controlled clown shitlensky is one of the best weapon sales agents the US
Military Industrial Complex ever had.
'Divide and rule', as done by the CIA all over the world, to create a market for that Military Industrial Complex is as old as the world.
After leaving Afghanistan (after years of killing people there, and losing,
as they did in Iraq, as they did in Vietnam, so many other places,
Just like that other demonrat Bil Clignon made war in Europe.
What can I say? And the people follow...
Now the new NATO HEAD (and NATO is just a US sales agency for weapons) Rutte
who was just voted away here by the right, will make things worse I suppose.
he is just an other capitalist CIA puppet.
US blowing up the Northstream pipeline to sell their own gas..
Forbidding Netherlands to export chip tech to China, we need to get rid of NATO (a bunch of Commie paranoia idiots)
and kick out the US everywhere.
Align with Russia and China and make a sane world order.
Perhaps the only way to do that is to nuke US into oblivion,
or maybe it will self-destruct because of stupidity,
One look at the current leaders does make that likely,
only an idiot would vote for any of them.
One senile, one a convicted lying criminal, his lawyer a criminal ..

Capitalism gone totally wrong.
US hates its own people, tents all over the cities with homeless, drug addicts
now a  new law that allows cities to remove those tents..
Then where do you go? No mony, no housing, no food,
grab one of these fat law enforcement guys and have a barbecue party.
US is going towards cannibalism.