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From: Jan Panteltje <alien@comet.invalid>
Subject: Re: hobby electronics
Date: Fri, 05 Jul 2024 15:14:01 GMT
Message-ID: <v692jq$7cho$>
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On a sunny day (Fri, 5 Jul 2024 08:46:26 -0500) it happened BillGill
<> wrote in <v68tfj$3abt3$>:

>I have a large paper library.  I am also getting old.
>I may have to go into some sort of assisted living
>when I can't go on living by myself.  When I do I will
>not be able to take my library with me.  So I have
>been building a digital library.  Most books that I have
>are available in digital format.  But I realized that many
>of the older books are not available.  They are mainly fiction,
>mysteries, SF, even a few romances.  And mostly from
>the time when books were mostly a one time event.  A
>few old time authors, such as Agatha Christie, are still
>in print and available as print or digital, but many
>are not.  So I decided to digitize those books for myself.
>While most of them are in copyright, I have no idea how
>to get permission.  I suspect that is why many of them are
>not in digital format.  So I have been digitizing them for
>my own use.  I will not distribute them in any way.  They
>are strictly for my own use.  If any of them show up in
>digital format I will buy that edition.
>So I have been doing non-destructive scanning.  This is a
>rather long process, since I am creating epub formatted books
>epub is a format based on HTML so that it can be automatically
>reformatted to fit on any screen.  But that means extra
>work.  It takes anyplace for 3 days to a week, depending on
>the size and quality of the book.  First I scan it using
>my DIY scanner.  This involves taking a photo of each page,
>then converting the photos to text, using Optical Character
>Recognition (OCR) software.  After that is the slow part.
>I insert the text into a word processor and proof it to
>correct all the many errors the OCR makes in the process.
>How many errors depends partly on the quality of the source.
>Then it is fairly simple to convert it to the epub format,
>or into the AZW3 format that can be read by kindle.

I just take pictures of the pages, and then make a pfd that holds the pictures.
Works fast with my canon camera on a tripod.
Takes care of any pictures in the book too.

convert "*.JPG" -quality 100 outfile.pdf
convert' is part of ImageMagic, to allow pdf output:
In /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
change 'none' to 'read|write" to enable pdf output:
<policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="PDF" />

There are many readers for pdf format, you can select size too.
I use xpdf in Linux, pdf in firefox browser works too, ctrl + and ctrl- to enlarge or make it smaller. 
Especially nice is using it for the microscopic small (one inch or so) 'manuals' like for my watch or other electronic stuff.
All goes to a 4 TB harddisk these days.
Linux 'locate' will find it in a second.

Few month ago did make a pdf from about 500 pages of A4 size circuit diagrams I wrote in the past that way.
All on a Raspberry Pi4 8GB..
Same one I am posting this from.