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Path: ...!!!panix!!not-for-mail
From: (James Nicoll)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written
Subject: Re: Highlights and Lowlights - June 2024
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2024 16:42:51 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: Public Access Networks Corp.
Message-ID: <v697qa$cb3$>
References: <v5v1ma$16lb1$> <v62c04$20gn9$> <v6676o$2p84o$> <v68vve$3adt2$>
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In article <v68vve$3adt2$>,
Michael F. Stemper <> wrote:
>On 04/07/2024 08.13, Tony Nance wrote:
>> On 7/2/24 10:11 PM, Cryptoengineer wrote:
>>> Most agree that the first few written aren't as good as later ones PTerry
>>> was learning his craft.
>> ...I found this to be the case for me as well. Combined with the
>facts that I need to read humor novels differently (can't read too many
>pages at once), and space them out pretty far apart, here I am only
>finishing my 9th Discworld book.[2]
>Back in the early 1990s, I heard (right here in rasw) about this amazingly
>funny British author. Not Adams, but Pratchett. I eventually got around to
>picking up a couple of his books, and found that they were, for me at least,
>mildly amusing.
>Watching the occasional Pratchett thread, I got the impression that it was
>only his early work that was hilarious. I haven't encountered any of it on
>the shelves yet, although I do keep half an eye peeled. Now, I'm seeing
>folks say that his early work wasn't that good.
>So, what's the verdict? Are his early works funny but not very good? Are his
>recent works as funny as he gets? Something else altogether?
The books improve in most respects until Pratchett's embuggerance 
really sets in, after which he did a far better job of maintaining 
quality than most authors would as their brain was turning into
candy floss. 

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