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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Gatwa Daleks contraversy
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 22:45:30 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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The Last Doctor wrote on 5/7/24 11:25 pm:
> Daniel70 <> wrote:
>> Daniel70 wrote on 5/7/24 7:19 pm:
>>> The Last Doctor wrote on 4/7/24 10:55 pm:


>>>> I meant population but got it wrong - should be 5x not 7x, 342m
>>>> vs 67m. So the comparisons are exaggerated - but the
>>>> principles remain the same.
>>> ;-P Don't you worry about it, Mike. After reading your previous
>>> post (x7 times), I was already at World-o-meter to check your x7 
>>> estimation!! ;-P
>>> Worldometer says just shy of 340 million. Close enough.
>> Ah!! Theres's your problem, Mike. Computerworld says Britain has x7
>> the population density of the U.S. of A.
> There’s no way Britons are even as dense as Americans (on average),
> let alone 7x denser.
> If you need evidence, the big baby Trump balloon is surely
> convincing enough on its own.
> Not to mention our latest national election, supporting a more
> socially responsible and liberal government while the USA appears to
> be accelerating its sleepwalk into Gilead.
WHAT?? Are you, Mike, now living Iran now-a-days?? ;-P

Reformist Masoud Pezeshkian wins Iran's presidential runoff election, 
beating Saeed Jalili

(Gee Whiz, that gave the Spell-checker a bit of a workout!!