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From: Bill Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org>
Newsgroups: uk.d-i-y,sci.electronics.design
Subject: Re: OT: EV Charging Stations Stripped of Copper Cables
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2024 14:13:37 +1000
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On 7/07/2024 12:39 am, Cursitor Doom wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 21:07:57 +1000, Bill Sloman wrote:
>>> On 4/07/2024 7:55 pm, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
>>> On 04/07/2024 09:25, Bill Sloman wrote:


>>> Not at today's renewable electricity prices. And disastrous [
>>> depreciation on EVs
>> Evidence?
> Just you try trading one in!

That's an assertion, not evidence. You should have realised by now that 
you aren't any kind of reliable witness, and can inf act be relied on to 
pick the most fatuous lying propaganda around.

> Excuse me, Bill? ISTR *you're* the one who loves to boast and bask in the
> glory of having worked for some Cambridge based outfit at some time in the
> dim and distant past!

Boast? It was an eventful period, but there wasn't a lot of glory around.

> And you got your degree at Sydney University which is hardly an Ivy League joint! :-D

Melbourne University. The "Ivy League" is a collection of eight American 
private universities


So neither Sydney nor Melbourne is an Ivy League joint.


puts Melbourne at 27th on the international pecking order, which doesn't 
say a thing about the education I got there from 1960 to 1969. The 
chemistry department where I got my Ph.D. didn't hire anybody who hadn't 
graduated from there for the next thirty years, which doesn't suggest 
that they were up to much. The first hire from outside that stayed was a 
guy I'd written a paper with, and the new professor of Inorganic 
Chemistry, hired a year or so later, was a guy who had been in my 
primary school class at Burnie, Tasmania, who used to swap "top of the 
boys" with me on a pretty regular basis all the way through.

You do like to see the world in terms of pecking orders - anything more 
informative overloads your tiny brain.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

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