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From: JAB <noway@nochance.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: What difficultly level do you play one?
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2024 10:23:16 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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This one came up on a channel for table top miniatures games but they 
did also talk about computer games. Now of course this is all personal 
preference as there's no right way to enjoy games but the main thrust of 
the argument was that the advantage of playing on easy mode (in the TT 
context that was interchangeable with social) was it gives you a lot 
more scope to be creative and play the game how you want and just try 
things out to see what happens.

That's certain how I approach CRPG's. I don't want to go through 
numerous guides on how to build an optimal character, I want to pick 
what I fancy playing. My general strategy is start on normal mode and if 
it all becomes too much, which it often does as the game progresses and 
your character/party becomes progressively less optimal, change it to 
easy mode and carry on.

One of the interesting parts they said is that if you're effectively 
going to use someone else's build then what not just watch them playing 
the game. Obviously that's a bit of hyperbole but I can understand their 

So for me, yep I play on easy mode.