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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Rich <rich@example.invalid>
Newsgroups: sci.crypt
Subject: Re: HMAC cipher and a TRNG...
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 03:10:03 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 66
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Chris M. Thomasson <> wrote:
> A compromised secret password is bad.  I was just interested if I 
> could create different ciphertexts for the same plaintext and 
> password, as an experiment.  See?

Slightly revisionist history.

IIRC you were worried about having all bits of the plaintext change if 
any one bit of the ciphertext was changed by Eve.

Because if all you were worried about was different ciphertexts from 
same key and plaintext, that is already available from standard 
constructions.  Note this short example:


    package require aes ;# aes encryption module

    proc hexdump {value} {
      binary scan $value H* hex
      return $hex

    set fd [open /dev/urandom {RDONLY BINARY}]

    # IV #1
    set iv1 [read $fd 16]

    # IV #2
    set iv2 [read $fd 16]

    # key
    set key [read $fd 16]

    # plaintext
    set pt [read $fd 32]

    # ciphertext #1
    puts "before creating ciphertext #1"
    puts key=[hexdump $key]
    puts "pt =[hexdump $pt]"
    set ct1 [aes::aes -mode cbc -dir encrypt -key $key -iv $iv1 $pt]

    # ciphertext #2 - same plaintext and key
    puts "before creating ciphertext #2"
    puts key=[hexdump $key]
    puts "pt =[hexdump $pt]"
    set ct2 [aes::aes -mode cbc -dir encrypt -key $key -iv $iv2 $pt]

    # display cipher texts
    puts ct1=[hexdump $ct1]
    puts ct2=[hexdump $ct2]

This uses AES, and CBC mode.  Running the above code (assuming you have 
Tcl and Tcllib installed, results in:

    before creating ciphertext #1
    pt =e17752182f07dd0239ce09308b6f4912a043567f0df79fb176baf996d0772e4c
    before creating ciphertext #2
    pt =e17752182f07dd0239ce09308b6f4912a043567f0df79fb176baf996d0772e4c

Same key, same plaintext, two different ciphertexts.