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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: From the Archives .....
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 22:39:33 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Today's post is a possible reason for why, as Aggy suggests, girls don't 
watch 'Doctor Who'. Back in Feb 1992, Michael Czeiszperger made a thread 
entitled 'Dr. Who is sexually harassing to women??'

Quote in part
I would like to ask female fans of DW to express their feelings about 
how women are portrayed on the show. The problem is I frequently put up 
pictures from Doctor Who Magazine in my office, and the female office 
manager has asked me to remove them on the grounds the show is degrading 
to women. We discussed it at length, and I agreed to remove pictures of 
Peri from the walls, but refused to remove pictures of Ace or Lela on 
the grounds they were positive portrayals of women.

Her basic problem with the pictures is that Lela's costume is too small, 
Peri shows too much cleavage, and Romana II appears to be "too 
subservient". She said the pictures were insulting to all women because 
they objectify women as sexual objects. While I quickly conceded to the 
character of Peri, I tried to explain the reasons I admire the 
characters of Lela and Romana. Unforunately, when I talked about the 
characters intelligence, courage, and strength of character, she said 
they were invalid role models for young women because they were "simply 
caricatures of men". She also complained that :

1. The doctor always seemed to be "in control" and the women simply 

2. The doctor is always fully clothed and the women frequently less clothed.

3. The doctor is always older and wiser and the women always younger and 
End Quote

So could Aggy be correct in theorizing that Girls/Women don't watch 
'Doctor Who' with the reason being it portrays them in a bad light??