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From: Bill Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design,uk.d-i-y
Subject: Re: OT: EV Charging Stations Stripped of Copper Cables
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 01:09:58 +1000
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On 9/07/2024 11:52 pm, john larkin wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Jul 2024 09:24:30 -0000 (UTC), RJH <patchmoney@gmx.com>
> wrote:
>> On 9 Jul 2024 at 05:04:24 BST, Bill Sloman wrote:
>>>  From time to time I get to remind the qroup that
>>> I'm a democratic socialist - while Communists are autocratic socialists,
>>> and got slung out of the International Socialist movements in 1871, when
>>> Karl Marx's silly ideas about "the leading role" of the party were rejected.
>> Very kind of you! But a small point - the CP was, theoretically, a socialist
>> bridge to communism. Nobody - especially Marx - know what communism would be
>> in detail - simply that the process of revolutionary socialism would put an
>> end to capitalism for the right reasons.
>>> Mikhail Bakunin's famous quote dates from that period
>>> https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/801264-if-you-took-the-most-ardent-revolutionary-vested-him-in
>> So history might suggest :-)
> In other words, power corrupts.
> Which means that governments are dynamically unstable, and a
> long-term-democratic society is a remarkable thing.

Some governments are dynamically unstable. Proportional representation 
(in places like Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands) seems to lead to 
multi-party  democracy, and coalition governments. This leads to 
incremental change and much more stable administration.

Australia settled for a single transferable vote and single member 
constituencies in the lower house, and it doesn't work as well.
> Why end "capitalism"? Economic and intellectual pluralism works.

Nobody wants to end capitalism - but everybody recognises the need to 
regulate it. America - with it's anti-trust legislation - was the first 
to recognise the necessity, but it failed to take it anything like far 
enough. Others have done better.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

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