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Subject: Re: Does the number of nines increase?
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:55:12 +0200
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Am 11.07.2024 um 00:26 schrieb Chris M. Thomasson:

> (1, 1.4, 1.41, 1.414, ...)
> For each element there is a rational that can represent it.

Well, A = A? Agree!

> No single rational can represent the whole...


Otherwise the question would be; Which one? :-)

> However, a real can represent [...] the whole... 

Exactly! (!!!)

> Fair enough?


> Or am I drifting off deeper into WM land?

Not at all! I'm quite sure that you are NOT a crank. :-)

Just take your time!

Math SHOULD BE fun! (imho)