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From: olcott <polcott333@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: comp.theory,sci.logic
Subject: Re: Liar detector: Fred, Richard, Joes and Alan --- Ben's agreement
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 08:07:13 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 7/12/2024 2:49 AM, Mikko wrote:
> On 2024-07-11 14:40:50 +0000, olcott said:
>> It is a hierarchy of prerequisites of knowledge.
>> Before anyone can understand a simulating termination
>> analyzer based on an x86 emulator they must understand
>> (1) x86 emulation
>> (2) Termination Analysis.
> The order should be:
> (1) termination analysis and termination analyzer,
> (2) simulating termination analyzer,
> (3) x86,
> (4) x86 emulation,
> (5) simulating termination analyzer based on an x86 emulator.

*That order has proven to not work*
People are getting stuck on x86 emulation.
Most everyone seems to feel that they can disagree
with the semantics of the x86 language.
*We have been stuck on this step for three years*

[00002163] 55         push ebp      ; housekeeping
[00002164] 8bec       mov ebp,esp   ; housekeeping
[00002166] 6863210000 push 00002163 ; push DDD
[0000216b] e853f4ffff call 000015c3 ; call HHH(DDD)
[00002170] 83c404     add esp,+04
[00002173] 5d         pop ebp
[00002174] c3         ret
Size in bytes:(0018) [00002174]

1,2,3... ∞ steps of DDD are correctly emulated is every
HHH/DDD pair that can possibly exist when HHH is a pure
function x86 emulator.

I talk about every element of the infinite set because people
were trying to get away with a dishonest shell game ruse
That wastes weeks and weeks talking in circles.

I spoke of one HHH/DDD pair and they always changed the
subject to a different pair. Now I talk about all of the
HHH/DDD pairs all at once.

For each element of this infinite set of HHH/DDD pairs
DDD never halts. For every finite N number of emulated
steps HHH halts.

This means that every HHH of this set that aborts its
emulation of DDD is correct to reject its DDD as non

Copyright 2024 Olcott "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius
hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer