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Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: From the Archives .....
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 19:03:50 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 40
Message-ID: <v7alpm$2bfc8$>
References: <v75lh5$18ca5$> <>
 <v77qp0$1nu9n$> <v77uob$1oiot$>
 <v78dr2$1ii6$> <>
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Blueshirt wrote on 18/7/24 3:01 am:
> The Doctor wrote:
>> In article <v77uob$1oiot$>,
>> solar penguin  <> wrote:
>>> Daniel70 <> wrote:
>>>> Blueshirt wrote on 17/07/2024 2:01 am:
>>>>> The Doctor wrote:
>>>>>> In article <>,
>>>>>> Blueshirt <> wrote:
>>>>>>> The correct answer is that they were intended to be the
>>>>>>> faces of previous incarnations of the Doctor!
>>>>>> Bogus there BS!
>>>>> No Dave, the sentence I typed is 100% factual. If you
>>>>> don't know that then clearly you don't know much about
>>>>> Doctor Who!
>>>> Haven't we already established that Gobble-de-gook knows
>>>> bugger all about the "Doctor Who" T.V. Series??
>>> You could’ve ended that sentence at “all” and it would still
>>> be true.
>> The Timeless Child never happened.
> In your opinion... which is out of touch with the real world.
> (Nothing new there so!)
> However, we we wasn't actually discussing the Timeless Child. So
> it's yet another example of you trying to derail a discussion
> that you are unable to partake properly in because of your lack
> of knowledge about Doctor Who.
Hmm!! Could the term "One trick pony" apply to Gobble-de-gook??

Probably not, cause he would even have trouble handling that many tricks!!