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From: Python <python@invalid.org>
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: tau egality in relalivity
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2024 16:14:26 +0200
Organization: CCCP
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Le 20/07/2024 à 16:10, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
> W dniu 20.07.2024 o 16:01, Python pisze:
>> Le 20/07/2024 à 00:47, M.D. Richard "Hachel" Lengrand a écrit :
>>> Le 20/07/2024 à 00:08, Python a écrit :
>> As usual you've snipped my argument and do not even try to
>> address it (because you know that you can, I'd guess)
>>> If two travelers leave at the same time, and arrive at the same time, 
>>> it goes without saying that the improper times will be equal. This is 
>>> the very definition of logical thinking.
>> Using as a condition something that is always true is definitely NOT
>> a logical way of thinking.
>>> [snip repetition of the same babbling]
>>> You refute violently because you have read Einstein and Minkowski.
>> I'm not using anything from SR, Einstein or Minkowski in my
>> argument.

> BTW, read what Poincare wrote about non
> euclidean geometries in "science  and
> hypothesis"

I did. We've already talked about that. Your point is wrong.

> poor stinker

Nice signature Wozniak.