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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Mild Shock <>
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: Post-Covid isn't a Fata Morgana (Re: Corona isn't over 2024)
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 22:53:53 +0200
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Todoay, the virus that hit me, was
playing cat and mouse with me. First
my ear was tickling, then it stopped,

then my head for an hour, then it stopped,
and so on. So I am very sympathetic with
the idea of post-covid.

The BAG updated its page recently:

Information on post COVID-19 condition

Mostlikely other countries have also such
information and corresponding services.
So before you visit the village witch,

and start eating some poison, maybe check
some of these services, to separate post-covid
from other health problems.

Mild Shock schrieb:
> Hi,
> "Long Covid" and "Covid 19" trending on Twitter.
> They have interresting tips:
> Reminder: If you recently had covid, the recommen-
> dation is that you not exercise for at least 6-8
> weeks--even if your symptoms were mild--to not
> put more stress on your body, which could lead
> to Long COVID. Conserve your energy as much as you can.
> LoL
> Bye
> Mild Shock schrieb:
>  > Hi,
>  >
>  > Forget face masks, it might be the
>  > beginning of a new experience for the world!
>  >
>  > Coronaviruses are oculotropic
>  >
>  >
>  > Bye