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From: "R.Wieser" <address@is.invalid>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.raspberry-pi
Subject: Re: Releasing the TV before shutting down ?
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2024 13:34:11 +0200
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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>> I have no idea what you are saying here.   I'm supposed to be "SSHing" ?
> I think the whole "SSH distraction" arose when

I, the OP, was
> wondered how you'd type a command when you couldn't see what you were 
> typing because the screen would be black ...
> I think most people could manage to type a command "blind" to re-enable 
> the screen,

I seem to have a couple of years of experience with myself (duh :-) ), and 
have noticed that I am /very/ likely to make typos when trying to do that. 
Even to lauhghable proportions when I'm tired.

But thats not the point.

> but then someone suggested you could SSH to the Pi from somewhere else to 
> type the command to re-enable the screen

The one suggesting it was Lawrence.   And his whole suggestion was exactly 
four characters, "SSH?".   IOW, not having /any/ of the info you, in the 
above, have provided (and he still hasn't by the way).

After which I wrote that that would be solving one problem but by it 
creating another.

Based on his responses I had to conclude that Lawrence has absolutily no 
idea what I'm talking about, so I asked him to explain his solution.  Hey, 
perhaps his SSH solution is different from the one I know, and cannot ever 
be(come) a problem.

I'm still waiting for that explanation though, as no matter how strongly I 
indicated I need some he refuses to supply it.   All he's posted is a few 
words which start with "SSH" - without any explanation to them - and a few 
iterations of "remote machine" - again, without a sliver of explanation of 
what it is or how its supposed to be used.

So yes, there is a distraction going on, but it isn't the "SSH?" suggestion 
one itself (it might have worked in quite a few circumstances).  Its 
Lawrence there verbally dancing around, trying to evade having to say 
anything at all.  Why ? Only he knows.

.... Though my guess is that he doesn't actually know much of anything about 
it. Just some "big words" he tried to impress me with.

Rudy Wieser