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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: badgolferman <>
Subject: Re: iPhone revenue fell for a second consecutive quarter
 (perhaps due to Apple's failed R&D efforts)
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2024 21:46:59 -0000 (UTC)
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References: <v8hnso$148k$>
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Alan <> wrote:
> On 2024-08-02 13:15, badgolferman wrote:
>> Andrew <> wrote:
>>> badgolferman wrote on Fri, 2 Aug 2024 18:50:28 -0000 (UTC) :
>>>> Maybe it is and maybe it has to do with the people being employed to
>>>> develop these things.  Are they the best and brightest developers
>>>> available, considering Apple has the money to pay them?  Or are they
>>>> DEI candidates selected to make Apple look good to shareholders and
>>>> those who demand such things?
>>> All I can say is I am always reasonable in all my factual assessments.
>>> As you know, zealots never know ANYTHING about what Apple actually does.
>>> At least you read about Apple outside of Apple's (brilliant) Marketing ads.
>>> To your concerns, all I can tell you is what is in the news about Apple's
>>> strategic decisions, which I'm sure you can handle - but the zealots can't.
>>> This, from midyear 2024 says, for example the iPhone accounts for "55%
>>> ($115.7 billion) of Apple's $210.3 billion in net sales", so it behooves us
>>> to concentrate on what Apple has improved on technology for that iPhone.
>>> <>
>>> Notice the fact that Apple spends far more on propping up stock than on R&D
>>> (where the article uses the word "breathtaking" where the article says no
>>> other company comes close to what Apple spends, not in R&D, but on P:E.
>>> What's a possible assessment takeaway from those two facts?
>>> Maybe:
>>> a. Apple cares more than anyone about artificially propping up stock...
>>> b. And, yet, Apple cares far less than most in terms of actual R&D.
>>> What do YOU make of those two breathtakingly different facts about Apple?
>> It says Apple is on track to spend $31 billion this year on R&D,
>> underscoring its record of increases every year since 2013. That’s
>> certainly no number to sneeze at, but unfortunately there hasn’t been much
>> innovation to show for it over the last 5-6 years. I know some will say the
>> mobile phone has reached its peak in features, but they’ve been saying that
>> for a long time. A truly innovative company would create things customers
>> didn’t know they wanted, not new colors or emojis.
> Give some recent examples of what you would term "things customers 
> didn’t know they wanted"...
> ...from any smartphone manufacturer.

Face ID, contactless payments, QR code scanning, and other useful things
like these. New colors and new emojis don’t count.