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From: Moebius <invalid@example.invalid>
Newsgroups: sci.logic,sci.math
Subject: Re: Replacement of Cardinality
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 23:02:54 +0200
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Am 06.08.2024 um 22:21 schrieb Chris M. Thomasson:
> On 8/6/2024 6:33 AM, Moebius wrote:
>> Am 06.08.2024 um 04:24 schrieb Chris M. Thomasson:
>>> There are infinite[ly many] even[ numbers] and
>>> there are infinite[ly many] odd[ numbers].
>> On the other hand, some even numbers are odd. :-)
> ;^D 666?
> Ahh zero. I think its even... ;^)
> 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
> odd, even, odd, even, ...
> So, the pattern:
> -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
> even, odd, (even), odd, even

Yes. An integer z is even, iff there is am integer k such that z = 2k.

Clearly for z = 0 there is an integer k (namely 0) such that z = 2k.

In other words, an integer z is even if it can be deviede by 2 "without 
a remainder =/= 0".

Clearly 0 can be devided by 2 "without a remainder =/= 0": 0 / 2 = 0.

So 0 is an odd even number? :-)