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From: Bill Sloman <>
Subject: Re: Heating for fusion, Why toast plasma when you can microwave it?
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 17:13:36 +1000
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On 7/08/2024 3:27 pm, Jan Panteltje wrote:
> Heating for fusion: Why toast plasma when you can microwave it!
>    Carving a new path forward for compact fusion vessels
> Date:
>   August 6, 2024
> Source:
>   DOE/Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
> Summary:
>   Can plasma be sufficiently heated inside a tokamak using only microwaves?
>   New research suggests it can! Eliminating the central ohmic heating coil
>   normally used in tokamaks will free up much-needed space for a more compact,
>   efficient spherical tokamak.

Not so much carving a new path as looking for one. Maybe be gyrotrons 
can heat the plasma enough, but planing to do experiment which can test 
whether they can isn't exactly carving a new path - more just looking at 
a possible new path.

> Bye bye ITER and that otehr fusion attempt mayonaise thing
>    Researchers dig deeper into stability challenges of nuclear fusion -- with mayonnaise
> Now all I am waiting for is a 10 year old kid doing a better than break even fusion experiment in its parents kitchen...

You may have to wait a long time. Mayonaise may exhibit Rayleigh-Taylor 
instability, but the lessons it might be able to impart would be 
difficult to translate into totomak design.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

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