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From: olcott <polcott333@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: comp.theory
Subject: Re: HHH maps its input to the behavior specified by it --- never
 reaches its halt state
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 13:48:39 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 8/8/2024 1:44 PM, Fred. Zwarts wrote:
> Op 08.aug.2024 om 15:15 schreef olcott:
>> On 8/8/2024 3:24 AM, Fred. Zwarts wrote:
>>> Op 07.aug.2024 om 15:01 schreef olcott:
>>>> On 8/7/2024 3:16 AM, Fred. Zwarts wrote:
>>>>> Op 04.aug.2024 om 15:11 schreef olcott:
>>>>>> On 8/4/2024 1:26 AM, Fred. Zwarts wrote:
>>>>>>> Op 03.aug.2024 om 17:20 schreef olcott:>>
>>>>>>>> When you try to show how DDD simulated by HHH does
>>>>>>>> reach its "return" instruction you must necessarily
>>>>>>>> must fail unless you cheat by disagreeing with the
>>>>>>>> semantics of C. That you fail to have a sufficient
>>>>>>>> understanding of the semantics of C is less than no
>>>>>>>> rebuttal what-so-ever.
>>>>>>> Fortunately that is not what I try, because I understand that HHH 
>>>>>>> cannot possibly simulate itself correctly.
>>>>>> void DDD()
>>>>>> {
>>>>>>    HHH(DDD);
>>>>>>    return;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> In other words when HHH simulates itself simulating DDD it
>>>>>> is supposed to do something other than simulating itself
>>>>>> simulating DDD ???  Do you expect it to make a cup of coffee?
>>>>> Is English too difficult for you. I said HHH cannot do it correctly.
>>>> *According to an incorrect criteria of correct*
>>>> You keep trying to get away with disagreeing with
>>>> the semantics of the x86 language. *That is not allowed*
>>> Again accusations without evidence.
>>> We proved that HHH deviated from the semantics of the x86 language by 
>>> skipping the last few instructions of a halting program.
>> void DDD()
>> {
>>    HHH(DDD);
>>    return;
>> }
>> Each HHH of every HHH that can possibly exist definitely
>> *emulates zero to infinity instructions correctly* In
>> none of these cases does the emulated DDD ever reach
>> its "return" instruction halt state.
>> *There are no double-talk weasel words around this*
>> *There are no double-talk weasel words around this*
>> *There are no double-talk weasel words around this*
> Indeed. And this correctly proves that the simulation failed, not 
> because of an instruction simulated incorrectly, but because 
> instructions are skipped. 

void Infinite_Recursion()

The return instruction in both cases is unreachable code.
DDD correctly emulated by HHH and Infinite_Recursion
correctly emulated by HHH cannot reach the "return"

If you don't know the first thing about programming you
might not notice this.

Copyright 2024 Olcott "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius
hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer