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From: Thiago Adams <thiago.adams@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.c
Subject: Re: how cast works?
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2024 15:54:19 -0300
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Em 8/9/2024 2:20 PM, David Brown escreveu:
> On 09/08/2024 12:57, Thiago Adams wrote:
>> Em 8/8/2024 6:41 PM, Bart escreveu:
>>> On 08/08/2024 21:34, Thiago Adams wrote:
>>>> On 08/08/2024 16:42, Keith Thompson wrote:
>>>>> Thiago Adams <thiago.adams@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>>> On 07/08/2024 17:00, Dan Purgert wrote:
>>>>>>> On 2024-08-07, Thiago Adams wrote:
>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>> How about floating point?
>>>>>>> Floating point is a huge mess, and has a few variations for
>>>>>>> encoding;
>>>>>>> though I think most C implementations use the one from the IEEE 
>>>>>>> on 1985
>>>>>>> (uh, IEEE754, I think?)
>>>>>> I didn't specify properly , but my question was more about floating
>>>>>> point registers. I think in this case they have specialized 
>>>>>> registers.
>>>>> Who is "they"?
>>>>> Some CPUs have floating-point registers, some don't.  C says nothing
>>>>> about registers.
>>>>> What exactly is your question?  Is it not already answered by reading
>>>>> the "Conversions" section of the C standard?
>>>> This part is related with the previous question about the origins of 
>>>> integer promotions.
>>>> We don't have "char" register or signed/unsigned register. But I 
>>>> believe we may have double and float registers. So float does not 
>>>> need to be converted to double.
>>>> There is no specif question here, just trying to understand the 
>>>> rationally behind the conversions rules.
>>> The rules have little to do with concrete machines with registers.
>>> Your initial post showed come confusion about how conversions work. 
>>> They are not performed 'in-place', any more than writing `a + 1` 
>>> changes the value of `a`.
>>> Take:
>>>      int a; double x;
>>>      x = (double)a;
>>> The cast is implicit here but I've written it out to make it clear. 
>>> My C compiler produces intermediate code like this before converting 
>>> it to native code:
>>>      push x   r64                   # r64 means float64
>>>      fix      r64 -> i32
>>>      pop  a   i32
>>> I could choose to interprete this code just as it is. Then, in this 
>>> execution model, there are no registers at all, only a stack that can 
>>> hold data of any type.
>>> The 'fix' instruction pops the double value from the stack, converts 
>>> it to int (which involves changing both the bit-pattern, and the 
>>> bit-width), and pushes it back onto the stack.
>>> Registers come into it when running it directly on a real machine. 
>>> But you seem more concerned with safety and correctness than 
>>> performance, so there's probably no real need to look at actual 
>>> generated native code.
>>> That'll just be confusing (especially if you follow the advice to 
>>> generate only optimised code).
>> This part was always clear to me:
>> "They  are not performed 'in-place', any more than writing `a + 1` 
>> changes the value of `a`."
>> Lets take double to int.
>> In this case the bits of double needs to be reinterpreted (copied to) 
>> int.
>> So the answer "how it works" can be
>> always/generally machine has a instruction to do this
>> or.. this is defined by the IIE ... standard as ...
> It would be helpful if you made more of an effort to write clearly here. 
>   (We know you can do so when you want to.)  It is very difficult to 
> follow what you are referring to here - what is "this case" here?  A 
> conversion from a double to an int certainly does not re-interpret or 
> copy bits - like other conversions, it copies the /value/ to the best 
> possible extent given the limitations of the types.

Everything is a bit mixed up, but I'll try to explain the part about 
registers that I have in mind.

In C, when you have an expression like char + char, each char is 
promoted to int. The computation then occurs as int + int.

On the other hand, when you have float + float, it remains as float + float.

My guess for this design is that computations involving char are done 
using registers that are the size of an int.

But, float + float is not promoted to double, so I assume that the 
computer has specific float registers or similar operation instructions 
for float.

Regarding the part about signed/unsigned registers and operations, I 
must admit that I'm not sure. I was planning to check on Compiler 
Explorer, but I haven't done that yet.

I can frame the question like this: Does the computer make a distinction 
when adding signed versus unsigned integers? Are there specific assembly 
instructions for signed versus unsigned operations, covering all 
possible combinations?