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From: gazelle@shell.xmission.com (Kenny McCormack)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.awk
Subject: Re: C++20??? (Was: Preliminary version of new regex matcher for gawk
 now available)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2024 13:50:14 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: The official candy of the new Millennium
Message-ID: <v97r6m$i4fm$1@news.xmission.com>
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In article <nnd$15de9d74$69aba32d@91e4ec1203dca4f9>,
Luuk  <luuk@invalid.lan> wrote:
>from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/68545455/724039
>C++20 features are available since GCC 8.
>To enable C++20 support, add the command-line parameter
>For G++ 9 and earlier use
>Or, to enable GNU extensions in addition to C++20 features, add

Thanks.  That was very helpful.

A 70 year old man who watches 6 hours of TV a day, plays a lot of golf
and seems to always be in Florida is a retiree, not a president.