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From: JAB <noway@nochance.com>
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Subject: Re: Elden Ring DLC finished.
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On 11/08/2024 23:00, rms wrote:
>> The only games I can think of that I've played more than thirty hours 
>> of are FO:3/NV and Skyrim. You might see a pattern there in that they 
>> all have content that is bolstered by lots of different stories/ 
>> environments/things to do
>    Witcher 3 might interest you!

I picked it up a few weeks ago in a Steam sale, £3 or something like 
that as although I liked 1, 2 for whatever reason didn't grab me at all 
so 3 was a no buy. It was someone here (sorry I can't remember who) that 
said 3 goes back to a winning formula.

I've not had much time to spend on it as I've been doing a lot more 
prep. for starting my first Call of Cthulhu campaign but so far I'm 
rather enjoying it.