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From: Python <python@invalid.org>
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: Sync two clocks
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 13:05:44 +0200
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Le 16/08/2024 à 12:56, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
> W dniu 16.08.2024 o 12:47, Python pisze:
>> Le 15/08/2024 à 21:38, M.D. Richard "Hachel" Lengrand a écrit :
>>> The notion of universal anisochrony means that each watch will lag 
>>> behind the other with an anisochrony Et=x/c, a reciprocal phenomenon 
>>> that will affect all the watches in the universe.
>>>> How naive is it possible to be?
>>>> You don't sync two clocks to each other, you sync one clock
>>> to another clock.
>>> You still don't understand.
>> You completely messed up your quotes above. Anyway...
>> You're probably a bit intellectually challenged to understand a
>> procedure that is fairly simple, just as you were in 2007 when you
>> miserably demonstrated it back then:
>> https://groups.google.com/g/fr.sci.physique/c/KgqI9gqTkR8/m/oMc9X0XjCWMJ
>> If the meaning of t_A, t_B, and t'_A are still unknown to you, you can
>> refer to Einstein 1905 article.
>> t_A is the time shown by clock A when a light signal is emitted;
>> t_B is the time shown by clock B when the signal is received and 
>> re-emitted;
>> t'_A is the time shown by clock A when the returned signal is received.
>> Given that your stubbornness in not wanting to understand what you don't
>> get at the first reading is even stronger than your stupidity (which is
>> saying something!), I doubt you'll even try to comprehend. However, here
>> are a few intermediate exercises to help you understand what most people
>> grasp on the first try:
>> 1. Using the hypothesis (confirmed by experiment) that:
> A lie,[snip whining]  -
> the hypothesis was no way confirmed.

A Review of One-Way and Two-Way Experiments to Test the Isotropy of the 
Speed of Light

Md. Farid Ahmed, Brendan M. Quine, Stoyan Sargoytchev, A. D. Stauffer


>  But it was a self-denying absurd instead.

Because you say so? Unfortunately there is nothing absurd into light
speed two-way experiments to confirm it to be invariant.