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From: olcott <polcott333@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: comp.theory
Subject: Re: Ben Bacarisse fails understand that deciders compute the mapping
 from inputs
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 06:46:58 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 8/28/2024 2:33 AM, Mikko wrote:
> On 2024-08-27 13:04:26 +0000, olcott said:
>> On 8/27/2024 12:45 AM, joes wrote:
>>> Am Mon, 26 Aug 2024 18:03:41 -0500 schrieb olcott:
>>>> On 8/26/2024 7:42 AM, Ben Bacarisse wrote:
>>>>> Mike Terry <news.dead.person.stones@darjeeling.plus.com> writes:
>>>>>> On 23/08/2024 22:07, Ben Bacarisse wrote:
>>>>>>> We don't really know what context Sipser was given.  I got in touch
>>>>>>> at the time so I do know he had enough context to know that PO's
>>>>>>> ideas were "wacky" and that had agreed to what he considered a 
>>>>>>> "minor
>>>>>>> remark". Since PO considers his words finely crafted and key to his
>>>>>>> so-called work I think it's clear that Sipser did not take the 
>>>>>>> "minor
>>>>>>> remark" he agreed to to mean what PO takes it to mean!  My own take
>>>>>>> if that he (Sipser) read it as a general remark about how to
>>>>>>> determine some cases, i.e. that D names an input that H can 
>>>>>>> partially
>>>>>>> simulate to determine it's halting or otherwise.  We all know or
>>>>>>> could construct some such cases.
>>>>>> Exactly my reading.  It makes Sipser's agreement natural, because it
>>>>>> is both correct [with sensible interpretation of terms], and moreover
>>>>>> describes an obvious strategy that a partial decider might use that
>>>>>> can decide halting for some specific cases.  No need for Sipser to be
>>>>>> deceptive or misleading here, when the truth suffices.  (In 
>>>>>> particular
>>>>>> no need to employ "tricksy" vacuous truth get out clauses just to get
>>>>>> PO off his back as some have suggested.)
>>>>> Yes, and it fits with his thinking it a "trivial remark".
>>>>> That aside, it's such an odd way to present an argument: "I managed to
>>>>> trick X into saying 'yes' to something vague".  In any reasonable
>>>>> collegiate exchange you'd go back and check: "So even when D is
>>>>> constructed from H, H can return based on what /would/ happen if H did
>>>>> not stop simulating so that H(D,D) == false is correct even though 
>>>>> D(D)
>>>>> halts?".  Just imagine what Sipser would say to that!
>>> Is this an accurate phrasing, pete?
>> Deciders never compute the mapping of the computation
>> that they themselves are contained within.
> Why not? A decider always either accepts or rejects its input. 

The computation that they themselves are contained within cannot
possibly be an input.

> If the
> input specifies a computation then it maps the computation to either
> accept or reject. Whether the computation contains the decider does
> not affect that. If the "decider" neither accpets nor rejects it is
> not a decider.

Copyright 2024 Olcott "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius
hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer