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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.raspberry-pi
Subject: Re: Are there any simple BBC internet radio programs for the Pi?
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 15:38:03 +0100
Organization: A little, after lunch
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On 28/08/2024 15:19, Chris Green wrote:
> Joerg Walther <> wrote:
>> Chris Green wrote:
>>> Now that the BBC no longer uses Shoutcast are there any internet radio
>>> programs for the Pi that can receive BBC internet radio?
>> I don't know what you mean by internet radio programs, but you can
>> listen to the Beep with any browser, -> click on sounds and
>> select your preferred station.
> That doesn't work very well on a headless Pi! :-)
> What I was looking for was something like the old 'radiotray' which
> one could run on the command line (with station name as a parameter)
> and the requested program would play on the audio output.

Basically everybody except Classic FM has ditched icecast/shoutcast in 
order to require you to listen to more ads and give them an email 
address to spam

Unless you buy a DAB radio which will last a couple of years until they 
change the format again to force you to buy a new one

Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have 
guns, why should we let them have ideas?

Josef Stalin