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From: The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.raspberry-pi
Subject: Re: Are there any simple BBC internet radio programs for the Pi?
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 23:31:53 +0100
Organization: A little, after lunch
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References: <q6c3qk-b211.ln1@q957.zbmc.eu>
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On 28/08/2024 20:21, Bob Latham wrote:
> In article <r7o3qk-lp21.ln1@q957.zbmc.eu>,
>     Chris Green <cl@isbd.net> wrote:
>> Joerg Walther <joerg.walther@magenta.de> wrote:
>>> Chris Green wrote:
>>>> Now that the BBC no longer uses Shoutcast are there any internet
>>>> radio programs for the Pi that can receive BBC internet radio?
>>> I don't know what you mean by internet radio programs, but you
>>> can listen to the Beep with any browser, bbc.co.uk -> click on
>>> sounds and select your preferred station.
>> That doesn't work very well on a headless Pi! :-)
>> What I was looking for was something like the old 'radiotray' which
>> one could run on the command line (with station name as a
>> parameter) and the requested program would play on the audio output.
> I'm probably not understanding the problem here and I'm probably
> about to talk nonsense as a result But...
> I have two different headless pi systems on my desk in front of me
> that can play all the BBC streams intended for UK reception. As far
> as I know there is no log on or anything just playing a stream.
The login was to use I-player

> This is the stream for Radio 4.
> http://as-hls-uk-live.akamaized.net/pool_904/live/uk/bbc_radio_fourlw/bbc_radio_fourlw.isml/bbc_radio_fourlw-audio%3d320000.norewind.m3u8
> That's a 320k stream.
Its also M3u8 which is not recognised by many command line programs on a 
headless Pi

> My understanding is that if you change anywhere it says 'uk' to be
> 'ww' then you get the international stream.
> You can find the complete set at:
> http://www.radiofeeds.co.uk/
> One of the players I'm testing at this moment is the RoPieee player
> for headless pi, it's free but it's a locked system with no command
> line. I tell it what to play by choosing from a list held by
> Minimserver running on a nas and an iPad. It works great but no
> command line.
> The other system is similar in function but is not locked down and is
> just mpd installed on a pi, I've not tried command line because I use
> it as described above but there is the normal Linux command line, I
> think it's likely you could persuade it do as you want.
> Sorry to have wasted your time, I'll go back under my stone now.
> Bob.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.
-- Yogi Berra