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From: "Werner P." <>
Subject: Re: Good Old... Gamestop?
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 09:26:08 +0200
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Am 29.08.24 um 04:06 schrieb Spalls Hurgenson:
> But I suspect, like many of Gamestops recent attempts to re-invent
> itself, this transformation won't save it either. Between ready access
> to emulation and companies re-releasing their older titles to,
> there's no real need for a 'retro gaming store' except as a nostalgic
> curiousity. It's the sort of place you'd go into only because you
> happened to stumble across it, play around with their overpriced
> artifacts for a while, then leave and buy it somewhere cheaper.

Gamestop was always a ripoff, I visited 2-3 times bevore I noticed that 
I can get second hand games for consoles chaper by using the internet 
and the usual second hand whatever portals.
Too bad, with less customer gouging the chain really could have gone 
somewhere, it is failing on its own greed!